
401 9 6

Genre: Romance, Short Story, Fantasy, and Humor

Books: 6

Book Statuses:

completed - 2

ongoing - 4


- The Guy Next Door (Romance/ completed)

- Road Trip To Love (Short Story/ ongoing)

- Just Ask Juliet (Romance/ ongoing)

- Just In Time (Fantasy/ ongoing)

- Candid (Humor/ ongoing)

- Starlight Tales (Short Story/ ongoing)

Followers: 22, 377

Following: 26


         She makes me cry, laugh, and smile along with her characters. That alone, says a lot as her ability to be a writer. When she updates, I can't help but put my fist up on the air and cheer because I know it's gonna be a good read, and I enjoy learning and experiencing things along with her lovable characters. I especially cannot wait for her to finish Just Ask Juliet as the main character there was one of my favorite characters from The Guy Next Door. Let's just say that any girl would AND should be honored to have Rebecca as a BFF! Seriously, check her out before I deck you virtually.  

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