Fifty four

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I don't think I've ever seen Natasha look so proud.

She's fully grinning as we approach, her green eyes sparkling with glee. I glance to her left to take in Bucky's matching smirk, his arms folded across his chest as he nods at me.

Steve on the other hand, is less than impressed.

"Nyx! What the hell was that?" He whisper yells, trying not to attract any more attention than is already on me. I glance around to see at least ten people watching us with both curiosity and fear. "You can't lash out at people just because they say something rude!"

Peter and I exchange a confused look.

Furrowing my brow, I look back at the super soldier while the kid hands out the drinks.


"You can't attack civilians like that! There are laws in place, you could be arrested if he presses charges!" He cuts me off, continuing on his rant.

"Steve, did you not see..."

"this isn't a battle field, this is everyday life. Behaviour like that is unacceptable, I'm..."

"STEVE!" I shout, frustration making me lose my patience. "He touched my ass."

The super soldier's face changes completely.

"H-he what?"

"He touched my ass, which is sexual assault in case you didn't know. So actually, I was acting in self defence, and I could have done something a hell of a lot worse." I sigh, scowling as I remember the feeling of Flash's palm on me. "And I would have, had we not been in public."

I meet Steve's eyes again to see they have softened considerably from their previous outrage and indignation. He wipes a hand across his chin, head bowed as he gazes back at me through blonde lashes.

"I'm sorry Nyx, I didn't see that." He mumbles, tone solemn. "You had every right to do what you did."

I offer him a smile, showing him it's ok, just a misunderstanding. In reality, I couldn't care less if he approved or not - Flash had it coming. But for the sake of diplomacy I shrug, taking a sip of my hot chocolate.

The sweet liquid scalds my tongue but I take a big mouthful anyway, allowing the pain to rid me of any residual anger. Swallowing, I go to turn away but the look on Steve's face makes me pause. His eyes are blazing and locked on something behind me, lips set in a thin line.

"Kids these days are so disrespectful. I have half a mind to go over there and teach him some manners."

I turn to see Flash, having finally managed to scrape himself off the floor, attempting to scuttle away down one of the paths as he clutches his bruised neck and pride.

A laugh brims in my throat, but when I look back at the super soldier, I can tell he's not joking. Thankfully, Natasha steps in before I have to.

"While I'm sure you'd give the kid a stern talking to, followed by a patriotic, rallying speech on respect and community, I think Nyx's 'conversation' with him will be enough."

We all laugh then as the red head pats Cap on the back, trying to contain a teasing smile. Steve glares at her, rolling his eyes, but I don't miss the smile hiding in the corner of his lips.

"It's nice to know Captain America takes catcalling seriously though." I shrug appreciatively.

"Oh, he takes it very seriously." I turn my attention to Bucky as he smirks knowingly at his friend. "The amount of times I had to rescue him from a fight he started over someone being disrespectful to a girl in the 40's - too many to count. It was like watching one of those tiny yappy dogs they have these days... what are they called..?"

The ghosts we hide (Winter Soldier x OC)Where stories live. Discover now