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"Drew, with all of your infinite knowledge, could you enlighten me as to why Izzy has to be here?" Ian hissed as his friend, cautious of keeping his voice below the volume that Izzy, trailing in a trance like state, would overhear.

"There was no other way to find out where it was." Drew replied frustrated that he had to put his wife through this torment and there was very little he could do to protect her.

"I understand that but did she have to be here? Did she have to come with us?"

"I can't let her out of my sight and she is the same with me. We are different now. We have only just got each other back properly and I can't let her slip away again so, for the moment at least, we have to accommodate each other. There were so many signs that I missed but if she is always by my side then nothing can harm her. I won't allow it."

Ian could understand his friend's reasoning and he knew that Drew would have to have a very good reason to justify bringing Izzy with him but the look of discomfort on Izzy's face still set Ian's nerves on edge.

"And the other one?" Ian nodded to Lila as he watched the blond increase her pace to keep in step with Izzy.

"She heard and insisted on coming too. Izzy didn't object and I thought it may help her." Drew halted so that the pair could wait for Izzy and Lila to catch up, effectively putting an end to their conversation. Drew didn't feel much like describing his motives at length to Ian for he knew that if he did then he would just be explaining his selfish whims. In reality he could have put his foot down, he could have asserted some of his power and forced Izzy to remain behind but his heart wouldn't allow him. There had been too many mistakes, to many misunderstandings; he couldn't take any more risks.

"We are almost there." Izzy said quietly, reaching her arms out to embrace Drew who willingly stepped into her hold and allowed her to find comfort within his touch.

Ever since she had opened up to him about the past few years any barriers that she had felt the need to keep between them had dissolved and she couldn't seem to stop from touching him. Not that he objected.

"There's no rush." He whispered to her, trialling his fingers through her hair as he knew that she loved that feeling.

"We may have Englas but he will have given the others orders before he left. The slower we are the more pain those imprisoned will have to go through." Izzy replied simply before lowering her gaze to the floor and losing herself within the memories that this walk stirred.

"Do you think she will be able to manage it?" Ian asked, aware that Izzy would be effectively deaf to the world at the moment.

"I have no doubt in her what so ever but it won't be easy." Drew replied looking down at the angel he loved with frown lines prominent on his tired face.

"Will you be Ok?"

"Of course."

"You can say no."



Ian was cut off by Izzy flinching violently into Drew's attentive arms that closed around her with practiced ease settling her nerves slightly.

"What is it sweetheart?" Drew cooed, keeping his voice quiet as he signalled subtly to the guards around them to be alert to a possible threat.

"Nothing, just memories."

Drew's hold tightened unintentionally to an almost bruising grip but Izzy didn't mind, the slight pinch of pain reminded her that she was here with him. In the present leaving the past to rot.

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