Rotten Apples

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"Why did you do it?" Drew shouted at the form before him.

This demon couldn't even be graced with the label angel; no he was too far gone for that, taken into Satan's clutches no doubt. He wasn't worthy to breathe the air of this sacred dimension. He wasn't worthy to live amongst such pure beings.

Englas chuckled menacingly but gave no answer, his cruel eyes filled with satisfaction as he watched the almighty Archangel fill with rage.

"She is an innocent! Why harm her?" Drew yelled, disregarding his morals for a moment and seriously considering beating the answer out of the demon.

"She is far from innocent Archangel. Sin comes in many forms and she has blinded you from it with her manipulation but she is most definitely not innocent."

"You know nothing about her!" Drew spat back at him completely disgusted by the angel that sat boldly, almost as if he was proud of his actions, within the cell he had been thrown in hours earlier.

"And that is where you are mistaken. You know nothing about her." Englas sneered, his smirk just begging to be whipped off of his cocky face.

The building was shrouded in darkness, completely black, no windows or even cracks in the brick work emitting light.


Izzy thought that the place looked cursed, sent straight from the pits of Hell to sit in the sanctity of Heaven. Of course, that was probably why it had never been found. With so much beauty around people tended to ignore the ugly spots.

They forgot they even existed.

The thick door, at which she had been unceremoniously dumped, swung open to reveal an elderly angel with kind features. Laughter lines were sketched at the corner of each of his eyes, eyes that held excitement at a never ending adventure.

For a moment Izzy thought that perhaps this place wouldn't be so bad. Perhaps the rumours were not true. In her naivety, Izzy did not know that this 'adventure' would turn out to be much more like a nightmare.

The benevolent smile that had adorned the old man's face dropped the second that his eyes caught a glimpse of the face that was well concealed behind the cloak. There was no question of recognition as hatred replaced the façade of kindness that was used to put off prying visitors who had lost their way. Angels who happened upon the building by chance, perhaps asking for directions would be met with an elderly gentleman who would happily send them in the right direction.

Unfortunately Izzy had already arrived at her destination.

"The new arrival I presume?" The old angel questioned, the excitement still within his eyes as he studied Izzy's form sprawled out on the cold concrete but now it was an excitement that chilled Izzy, causing her to become frightened.

"Were you expecting someone else?" Izzy inquired sarcastically, masking her discomfort. Despite her initial impressions there was something odd about this angel. Something wasn't right.

Her suspicions were confirmed when, with age defying speed, the old angel's hand whipped out and slapped her across the cheek sending her slightly restacked spine straight back into the dirt of the ground. His laughter rang out into the night air but it was not a welcome sound. It held a promise of the evil to come.

"Learn or die. It's your choice." The man said simply, still chuckling as he hauled her up from the floor and tossed her into the blackened building, slamming the door shut behind him.

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