Their Bond

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Kaden didn't dare open his eyes. He was afraid his mind was playing tricks on him or that the Admiral had actually succeeded in killing him.

That must be it.

He was dead.

"You can let that guy go now, Lockes," Kaden clenched his eyes shut more when her voice was directed at him. He couldn't face her yet. Her death was still too raw in his mind and heart.

He had failed to protect her. She didn't even get to live long enough to smile.

He would've gladly given his life to see her smile, to hear her laugh, to see actual joy in her eyes.

Instead...all he got was emptiness.

"Lockes, you ok?" Damien's voice was concerned.

"Kaden." His name in her voice was enough to force him to open his eyes. What met his gaze stunned him. An unknown naval officer with a bullet hole in their head was in his arms. Not Arabella. A soft hand on his shoulder drew his attention away from the corpse in his lap. His eyes widened when he saw her.


"You are right. I do owe you." Arabella replied easily with a soft smile. Kaden felt his heart clench at the sight. When she smiled, Arabella was easily the most beautiful thing he had ever seen in his life. It took everything in him to pull his eyes away from her face. Kaden looked past Arabella and found Damien squatting next to a limp figure and Jarrus barking orders at the freed pirates.

"You can let that guy go. He's dead." Arabella reiterated as she pointed at the body Kaden still held clutched to his chest. Almost instantly, Kaden released the dead man. He struggled to climb to his feet. He was surprised when Arabella grabbed his arm and helped him stand. His eyes never left her. She was calm and quiet, gentle almost.

This was a side of Arabella Kaden had never seen before.

"How did you know he would..."

"My father is an angry, bitter man. The moment I sensed Damien and Jarrus's distress, I just went into action. I'm sorry I didn't warn you..." She was apologizing. Arabella had never apologized before. And that was when it hit Kaden.

She had her heart back. She was finally free.

Suddenly Arabella turned to Kaden with wide eyes and before he could open his mouth to question her shock, Arabella ran past him and dove into the sea off of the side of Calypso's Fall. Almost instantly, Damien, Kaden and Jarrus were at the railing looking for the woman. All they were met with was bubbles and foam on the water's surface.

Arabella focused her magic on her lungs as she swam deeper into the blackness. Her eyes burned from the salt, but she needed to find Ashik. She knew it was a trap. Why else would Circe capture a Leviathan and have anything to do with Maera anymore?

Without her magic, Maera was useless, powerless, and mortal.

Ashik had nothing to do with the gods.

Arabella knew she was the only reason and her heart wouldn't let Ashik suffer on her account. She pushed further into the cold darkness. She easily found them on the ocean floor, trapped inside a coral cave enchanted with the goddess's magic. Ashik was in his human form and Maera was floating unconscious next to him. Arabella snarled at the thought. As a Leviathan, Ashik had more stamina and the ocean couldn't affect him in his true form, but as a human, he was subject to the same death that mortals were. And Arabella knew he was fading fast.

"I must admit I'm surprised you showed up," Circe's cold voice was crystal clear in the murky water as Arabella spin around to face the grinning goddess. Circe was in her element here. The sea was her domain. It was the reason she had lured Arabella here.

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