His Resolve and the Cave

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Ashik’s words hung over the group like a dark cloud. Damien frowned.

“But…Bella needs her heart to keep from turning into a demon,” he remarked softly as he slowly came to grips with the situation. Jarrus put his hand on his grandson’s shoulder in an attempt to anchor the man. Circe was quiet. Kaden couldn’t think. Either they let Arabella face Maera without her heart and risked her turning into a demon or they got Arabella’s heart back and risked her death. Neither were options that Kaden liked and either way, Arabella was lost to them.

Was that her fate? Had that always been her fate? Had she always been a throwaway for the gods?

“Bella doesn’t deserve this…” Damien mumbled more to the universe than anyone in particular. He kept mumbling the phrase over and over again until Ashik finally ended it with a hand on his back.

“I know this is hard, young one.” Ashik whispered quietly as Damien clenched his fists at his sides.

“So the witch who stole my sister’s heart and happiness either gets what she wants or kills Bella for fighting her? How is that fair? Don’t you gods have some sort of code about fairness?” Damien growled as he pinned a glare on Circe. Kaden was quiet. Damien was angry because Arabella was his sister, but why was he? Arabella could be replaced. Even as he thought the words, he knew they weren’t true. There was no one like Arabella. No one could manage to look so beautiful and so lethal at the same time.

No one could have their heart ripped out of their chest and still want to save people.

No one but his first mate.

“I am one of many gods. We each have our own plans and aspirations. Fairness is often thrown to the wayside.” Circe answered honestly.

“And your plans and aspirations don’t include Bella and me, right? We were an unlucky surprise! In fact, if you could, you’d kill Bella just to keep her from being turned into a demon. I’m right, aren’t I?” Damien’s voice got louder and he jerked away from Jarrus and Ashik. He stomped toward Circe.

“I. Am. Right. Aren’t. I?” He repeated, pausing between each word as if he were talking to a child. Circe frowned and glared at him.

“You have no idea what a demon will do.” She replied condescendingly. Before Kaden, Jarrus, or Ashik could stop him, Damien pulled back his fist and slammed it into Circe’s face.  The goddess flew back against the cell bars and slid to the ground, holding her jaw.

“We are your family! I will not let you kill my sister just because you are afraid of a future that may not come to pass!” Damien snarled before he turned and stomped up the stairs. Everyone stared at his back in shock. Ashik was the first to shake himself out of his stupor as he passed Circe a wary glance and jogged after the infuriated Cartridge. Jarrus was next and he bent down next to Circe.

“Didn’t think the lad had it in him,” he muttered, mildly impressed with his grandson. Circe shot her son a withering glare.

“I will kill the whelp,” she hissed. Kaden was the last to recover.

“You kill the boy and Bella will annihilate you. She scares you, even I can see it. She knocked you to the ground with just a look before and you hadn’t even threatened us. You go after her brother, you will not get far. Trust me.” Kaden remarked before he turned and left the goddess and her son alone in the brig with the unconscious Katarina.


Kaden sighed once he was back on deck.  Damien and Ashik were nowhere to be found and Kaden was glad for that. Damien was too angry and confused to know what to do when he saw his sister. At the thought of his first mate, Kaden looked around the ship.Arabella ran the ship like a well-oiled machine. Men were swabbing the deck, fixing the rigging, sharpening their swords, and doing anything else necessary. Kaden glanced up at the helm where Arabella stood, stoic and steadfast. 

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