Their Plans and the Battle

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“We need a plan!” Damien exclaimed as he and Ashik trapped Jarrus and Kaden in the captain’s quarters. The two older pirates looked at Damien in surprise.

“A plan for what?”

“To keep Circe from killing Bella! What else would we need a plan for?” Damien asked in exasperation as Kaden frowned.

“How about a plan to keep your sister from killing herself?” He growled as Damien’s eyes widened.

“Bella wants to kill herself?” Damien questioned softly as pain filled his features. Ashik shot Kaden an angry look as Jarrus frowned.

“She thinks it’s the only way to keep all of us safe and kill the witch,” Kaden explained quietly as he realized his mistake. The men were silent.

“Well I will give her some credit; she’s the only logical one aboard this forsaken vessel,” Circe’s seething voice came from the corner as Kaden and the others turned to face her in surprise. Circe eyed Damien warily as she moved out of the shadows. Damien pinned his narrowed eyes on the goddess in a scathing glare.

“Suicide is not logical.” He snarled. Circe scoffed.

“In her case, it is. It’s her only option.” She hissed.  Ashik instinctively gripped Damien’s shoulder and held him down before the man could launch himself at the goddess. Damien didn’t get the chance to exact his anger on the Circe as Kaden whirled around and gripped her chin tightly between his fingers. Circe’s eyes widened as she stared at Kaden’s enraged features.  

“That is not her only option and you know it. If you are not going to be helpful, get the hell off of my ship.” Kaden spoke quietly, but his tone was thunderous. Something sparked as fear traced its way across Circe’s features. She ripped herself away from him instantly. Jarrus frowned as he noticed the pure fear in his mother’s eyes.

“What is it?” He asked as he stepped in between Kaden and Circe. Circe didn’t take her terrified eyes off of Kaden who sneered at her.

“She’s turning his heart dark too.” She whispered as Jarrus looked nonplussed.

“What are you talking about?” Damien asked angrily as he violently shrugged off Ashik’s restraining grip.

“That man is your sister’s destined one and she’s tainting him like the demon she is!” Circe sneered as she pinned a lethal glare on Damien. Ashik noticed Damien’s hands clenched into white-knuckled fists at his sides. However before he could launch himself at the goddess like he wanted, Kaden pushed past Jarrus and gripped Circe’s chin in his hand again.

“Say one more thing, goddess, I will set that demon on you like a damn shark.” Kaden snarled as Circe’s eyes widened. Kaden ignored Jarrus’s hand on his shoulder.

“Now are you going to help us or are you going to run scared?” Kaden asked. Circe stared at him. She was sorely regretting agreeing to help the humans. They had been nothing but rude and ungrateful. Suddenly she felt Arabella’s magic seep through the ship. The darkness that tainted the power pricked at her skin like needles. She frowned. She didn’t have the chance to think very hard about why the woman’s magic was covering the ship before Ashik gasped and the leviathan turned to run out of the room. Damien looked confused before he rushed after Ashik. Kaden grew puzzled as he released his hold on Circe’s face.

“What the hell…”

“Bella’s gone!” Damien yelled from the deck. Kaden’s eyes widened as he jogged out of his quarters and met up with Damien and Ashik as they stood at the bow.

“Where is that damn cave?” Kaden snarled as he stared at the empty expanse of ocean that surrounded them. The cliff face they had seen before was nowhere in sight. Kaden turned to Ashik expectantly, silently demanding an explanation.

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