Her Anger and the Leviathan's Fear

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“Lift the fog.” Ashik nodded at Arabella’s order. Slowly the thick white fog dissipated. Arabella sighed as she let her eyes drift away from the Navy frigate. Ashik’s eyes widened as he watched the ship crack and split and flames engulfed the sinking remains. Shock reverberated through him.

Arabella had been keeping the frigate afloat with nothing more than a look.  The dinghy that held them rocked up and down with the waves as Arabella watched the ship sink beneath the foaming sea.

“Let’s go.” Arabella announced as Ashik felt the dinghy skim across the surface of the ocean back in the direction Calypso’s Fall was last seen. Ashik watched the glittering mask around the ship fall as they approached slowly. Most of the crew stood along the side, almost as if they had been watching the entire thing unfold. But Ashik knew they didn’t. Moonlight shimmered up from the waves and danced across Arabella’s features but it did little to soften the blank, cold expression she had worn since the battle ended. Damien dipped his head over the railing and smiled at his sister.

“Bella, you’re ok!” He exclaimed as relief flood him. Ashik frowned. In the darkness, he knew the boy-man couldn’t see what caked his sister from head to toe.  If he didn’t fear her wrath, Ashik would’ve suggested for her to take a dive before climbing back aboard Calypso’s Fall. As it was, he remained silent. The dinghy gently beat against the side of Calypso as Arabella tossed up an anchoring line for her brother to tie off. Ashik waited for her to command for him to do something, but all she did was work to tie the dinghy to the larger ship next to them.

“Go ahead Ashik. Take my brother away with you.” Ashik stared at Arabella’s back as she spoke. 

“Little one…” Ashik started to ask what she meant, but the words wouldn’t leave his mouth.

“I will deal with the others. Go.” Her voice hardened and Ashik slammed his mouth shut. He nodded as he climbed the rope ladder Damien tossed over the side. Arabella waited as she heard Damien argue against Ashik’s persuasions to disappear below deck. A few minutes later, she heard him concede.

“Bella! I’m heading to the galley with this guy. I’ll come find you later!”

Arabella looked up and ignored the ladder as she jumped from the dinghy to the deck of Calypso. What crew remained backed away in fear as they took in her blood soaked appearance. Jarrus was the first to recover.

“Bells….what the hell went on over there?” He questioned warily as he noticed the hard expression that Arabella’s features were set in.

“My father sent them to kill us. So I killed them.” Arabella answered icily. Jarrus stared at her before he turned to look over at Kaden who sat on the staircase, slowly regaining his strength and breath. Arabella followed his line of sight and found her captain staring at her in shock.

“Bella…” Kaden’s voice penetrated the lingering rage that was still wrapped around Arabella’s conscience. Slowly the red that still filtered her vision started to ebb away.

Kaden needed to touch her. He didn’t know why. Something drove him to climb to his feet and stumble his way over to the terrifying woman. Her green eyes were slowly melting as her gaze met his. He ignored his pain and the blood that covered her. The moment he had her within reach he pulled her tight against his chest. Slowly, Kaden felt the pain disappear. His breathing became easy and his strength returned. Arabella melted against him as the frightening iciness that clung to her skin slipped away the longer she stayed in Kaden’s embrace. The red was gone and everything was clear. Peace spread over her like a blanket.

“Bella?” Kaden’s voice was barely above a whisper.

“I’m so tired.” Arabella admitted softly as she gripped at Kaden’s shirt. Before she could stop him or object, Kaden swept her into his arms.

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