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It had been a week since Elaina officially became an Avenger

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It had been a week since Elaina officially became an Avenger. She had been noticed a couple times on the streets of New York by some muggles. But after that had happened she stayed home, packing her small apartment to move to the Avengers Compound upstate. It didn't take long to pack since she easily did it with a flick of her wand. She took one last look around her empty apartment before she disapparated.

Once she felt her feet settle back on the ground she heard a bunch of screams around her causing her to quickly open her eyes. She had apparated into the common room of the Avengers Compound where everyone was sitting and looked at her with shock and fear in their eyes. Did Tony not tell them she was coming? "Ah, good you're here." said Tony walking into the common room. "Everyone if you have not seen the news, this is our newest Avenger, Ms. Elaina Black" Their shock faded as Tony introduced her to everyone that she had not met yet.

"And that's Bucky." said Tony, introducing her to the last person sitting on the couch. Her grey eyes met briefly with his bright blue ones. He gave her a small wave and shy smile before looking down at the ground. "It's nice to meet you all" She said as there was space made for her to sit between Natasha and Steve.

"So Ms. Black, when can I meet your dragon?" Peter asked excitedly. "YOU HAVE A WHAT?" Screamed Sam causing her to laugh. "Peter please call me Elaina, and yes I do have a dragon. You can meet him when I am all settled in. His name is Mignec and he's an Antipodean Opaleye, one of the more tame dragon breeds." "What exactly do you do that causes you to own a dragon?" asked Natasha. "Well I adopted Mignec from the Romanian Dragon Sanctuary that my good friend Charlie works at. But I am a magizoologist in the Wizarding World. I care and study magical creatures in the wizarding community." "So there's more of you?" Asked Clint. "Yes, but you can't tell anyone that there are other witches and wizards out there, I'll get into a lot of trouble with the Ministry and MACUSA."

Elaina glanced over at Bucky a couple times. He just sat there silently listening to everyone ask her questions about her life. But there was something about him that made him so intriguing to her and she could not figure out what it was. "Do you come from a family of wizards?" asked Wanda. She sighed before answering this question. "Yes I come from The Noble and Most Ancient House of Black. One of the original Pureblood families known as the Sacred 28. My family, amongst some other Pureblood families believed that they were superior and magical blood should stay pure. In their eyes all Muggles or Muggleborn witches and wizards were considered dirty, often using a slur calling them Mudblood. My father on the other hand disagreed with these beliefs that my family, well mainly his mother pushed onto him. He had such a tortuous childhood because of that vile woman. He was 16 when she disowned him."

Each time she spoke about him it made her miss him even more. She never got to spend much time with him since he was in Azkaban for so long, but she still loved him more than anything. She looked down at her hands, trying her hardest to not let the tears in her eyes fall. "I'm so sorry" Wanda apologized, seeing she brought up a sensitive topic. "No no it's alright." Elaina responded, wiping her eyes. "Well I think I should be off to bed, it was lovely meeting you all." She said standing up from her seat. "I'll show you to your bedroom." said Tony, leading her down the hall. When they got to her room he told her that tomorrow he would give her a tour around the facility before bidding her goodnight. She thanked him and bid him a goodnight as well.

The next morning she had gotten herself dressed and put her dark hair in a bun with her wand before attempting to find her way to the kitchen. After a few minutes of searching, she realized she was lost. "Are you lost, Ms. Black?" called out a voice that she did not recognize from last night. She turned around and there was no one there. "Who's there?" "I am FRIDAY, an AI that Mr.Stark created. Do you need help getting somewhere?" Her voice echoed through the hall. "The kitchen please" she gave her directions on how to get there and she thanked her. When she got there, she was met by Tony, Wanda and Vision. She grabbed a muffin off the counter and joined their conversation.

After Elaina finished eating Tony turned to her saying, "Ready for a tour?" She nodded following him around the building. He first showed her what floors everyone slept on, showing her that she shared a floor with Nat and Wanda. He then showed her all his labs where he and Bruce would work and the conference room where team meetings were held. Lastly they walked into a large gym where Sam, Bucky, Nat and Thor were training. She glanced over at Bucky who had his long hair tied in a small bun. "This is our training room where you will do all your fight training." said Tony "Oh I don't think fight training will be necessary" She answered as he turned to her with a confused look on his face. "Why not?" "Thor do you mind if I use you for a demonstration?" She called out to him and he put down the weights he was lifting. She felt Bucky's eyes on her as she pulled her wand out of her hair, letting it fall to her shoulders. "Levicorpus" She said pointing her wand at Thor and he was instantly lifted into the air by his feet. She then threw him into the padded wall behind him and let him fall to the ground causing him to groan. Tony looked at her with shock as Nat and Sam burst out laughing and Bucky had a small smirk on his face. "What?" She said looking at Tony. "I didn't throw him that hard. And besides he's a God, he'll be fine."

When they finished the tour he led her back to the common room. "Are there any questions you have?" He asked, she nodded before responding "Is there anywhere where I can set up a sanctuary for my creatures? They can't stay in my bag forever." She joked. "There is an empty den that has access to the outside. It might be a little small though." "It could be the size of a broom closet for all I care. But that sounds perfect." He led her to an empty room which had large glass doors that went out to the field around the building. It was a little small like he said but that was easily fixable. "Capacious extremis" She said pointing her wand to the center of the room and watched it grow in size. Elaina then went around the room, charming different sections of it to match the different habitats for each creature.

"Would you like to help me place them in their habitats?" He was a little reluctant at first but agreed. "Maybe we should get Peter to help us, I'm sure he'd love to love to meet them all." She said working on the last habitat. Tony nodded, "Hey FRIDAY can you please call Mr. Parker down here." "Of course sir" her voice echoed. She then summoned her bag from her bedroom and it landed on the floor in front of her. Just then Peter walked in the room, looking around in amazement at its new updates. He quickly nodded in agreement when she asked him if he wanted to help.

Elaina charmed her bag to make it a little larger for her to step into and descended down the ladder to where all the creatures were. She made a few trips up and down the ladder with some of the smaller creatures in her hands and handed them to Peter and Tony and directed them to the correct habitat each animal belonged in. Once all the small creatures were in their right places, she harnessed the larger ones to make them easier to move. The last two creatures that were left were Mignec and Nena. she pulled the rope that was attached to Mignec's harness and led him out of her bag. "Peter, this is Mignec." "Wow" he looked up at the dragon in amazement, gazing at his pearly scales and his glittering multi-colored eyes. "This won't kill any of us will it?" asked Tony. Elaina laughed and shook her head no. "No Antipodean Opaleyes rarely kill, unless they are hungry. But they prefer sheep to humans."

Once Mignec was safely in his new habitat, she descended one more time to get Nena. She decided to grab some ferrets in case she reacts the same way she did last week when she sees them. Elaina led her out of the bag and had a tight hold on her rope. She started squawking when she made eye contact with them. "You're going to have to bow again to her, so she knows she can trust you." They both bowed to her without any hesitation. She watched them carefully and then bowed back. Elaina fed her a ferret and walked her to her new home. "You can pet her if you like." She said to the both of them. Peter slowly reached out his hand to pet her beak which she then leaned into.

"What is she?" asked Peter. "She's a Hippogriff. Half eagle, half horse." "Elaina, I am so sorry about everything that happened with Nena last week." Tony apologized as he turned towards her. "Don't be, Hippogriffs are very sensitive and can get easily offended. You've never seen a creature like her before so it is understandable to think she's dangerous." He smiled before he carefully reached out to pet Nena as well.

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