10- Unexpected Visitor

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The compound was pretty quiet today

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The compound was pretty quiet today. There were no missions; everyone was around somewhere, minding their own business. Bucky, Sam, and Natasha were training, Steve was organizing files in the conference room, and Bruce was working hard in the lab. Everyone else was just relaxing amongst themselves, enjoying their time off from saving the world.

Elaina however, was working hard with Tony in the containment cells. After the boggart, Tony realized the chances of dealing with the Wizarding World now that Elaina was on their team was a lot higher. He had brought up an idea to her of putting some sort of enchantment on the containment cells so if the team ran into any of her 'friends' they would not be able to disapparate.

Wanda had stopped by to see if she could be of any assistance. When Elaina politely declined, stating that she was almost done, Wanda nodded and made her way back to the common room to join Clint and Thor who were watching tv.

Suddenly, the fireplace from under the tv had lit itself. The fire turned green and grew larger and larger. The three stared down at it, now in high alert ready to warn the others of what was happening. Then a young girl emerged from the flames, ash covering her worried face. She stumbled back nervously as the three superheroes stared down at her.

Of course they were all concerned for the girl, but they were all confused how she managed to get past all the security the compound has to offer. Clint, being the dad he was, tried to reach out to her first, but was unsuccessful. She only curled into herself more. She tried to back herself back into the fireplace but then realized there wasn't a pot of floo powder to help her escape.

"Lily?" someone called from behind them, causing all four of them to turn around. The girl sighed in relief and ran over to hug the person who called her. Bucky was unsure what to do with himself, he wasn't a hugger, especially with people he didn't know that well. "Lily, does Elaina know you're here?" he asked, pulling her away from him. She shook her head no, causing him to nod and tell her he'll take her to see the witch. He looked up to Wanda who gave him a small smile and picked up on the fact that Lily was Elaina's niece.

Bucky then led Lily down the hall to where Elaina and Tony were working. "Hey El, you've got a visitor." He called out, getting the woman's attention. When Elaina noticed Lily was with him, she immediately brought the girl into a tight hug causing her to giggle. "Wow, are you Iron Man?" She asked Tony. "Depends who's asking" he joked with a small smirk.

"Who came with you, Lils?" Lily's smile dropped and she looked down at the ground. Elaina picked up on her mood change and immediately knew something was off. She put her finger under Lily's chin causing her to look up at her. "Do your parents know you're here?" Lily hesitated before she shook her head no. Elaina sighed, grabbing the girl's hand. "Excuse me gentlemen, it seems that something came up that I need to take care of." They nodded and made way for the two girls to pass.

"Do you want to explain to me what's going on?" Elaina asked once the two of them made it to her den and sat down. "I was bored and playing with the new fireworks Uncle George gave me and accidentally blew up James' summer homework. He said he was going to hex me but I reminded him he couldn't do magic outside of school. He said he didn't care so I got scared and went to the fireplace and this was the first place I thought of."

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