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Planned chapters

12. Where Have You Been? (She goes missing for a week and comes back and Bucky knows it's not her (pansy parkinson). When he figures it out she blasts off his arm)

She gets stuck as a dog after escaping being captured by a death eater (pansy parkinson) who uses polyjuice potion and tries to be her. She tries to use charades to let them know she's stuck and to contact George. Her and Bucky cuddle on the couch when she's still a dog and he tells her that he's gonna get her fixed (meaning back to normal). Someone walks in and hears him and thinks he meant he's gonna get her spayed

Pansy bullies students while prefect and in the inquisitorial squad. Elaina and the twins dye her hair Gryffindor colors to teach her a lesson. She waits 20 years for revenge bc she wanted to wait for Elaina's life to be too perfect to watch it crumble. When Elaina is back and is talking to pansy, she calls Elaina privileged which she is anything but true since she lost so many people and worked so hard for everything she has. Bucky had to physically carry Elaina out of the room (with one arm bc pansy blew it off) so she wouldn't attack pansy. When she gets to her room she beaks down and cries.

Bucky knows its not Elaina:

Thunder doesn't wake her up (dog hearing)

Nena doesn't like her

Constantly drinking claiming its tea(Polyjuice)

Forgets to take care of creatures

Avoids everyone and stays in her room

13. The Fleas: They Murder (She really does return but is stuck as a dog. She gets turned back by the end of the chapter and helps Bucky with his new arm)

When she gets unstuck from being a dog she said "Merlin I don't think I've ever stayed as a dog that long. The tail I can live with. The fleas, they murder."

14. Only Time Can Heal Us (After everything calms down she leaves the compound and goes to Godric's hollow to visit Sirius' grave without telling Bucky. When she comes back they argue and then he confesses he loves her)

After whole kidnapping polyjuice potion thing Elaina decided to go to Godric's hollow. Like her and Harry put a tombstone stone for Sirius next to lily and James (even though it would be an empty grave) bc they felt he should have one. And in the midst of her becoming an avenger she completely forgets to go on the anniversary of his death or she's just missing her dad and wants to go. And she's already emotional bc of that and then when she gets back Bucky's freaking out and she doesn't have a good reaction to him saying I love you bc of the day she had. She then goes to nat for advice before going back to Bucky. When she goes back to him she's on the verge of tears and asks him if he meant it when he said he loved her. He says yes then she starts crying and hugs him and says she loves him too before explaining why she left

15. Turn back time (finding Rebecca)

16. Sweet Child of Mine (Elaina's birthday. Bucky gives her Sirius painting)

17. Grandma's House (visiting grimmauld place)

Elaina walked through the entryway of 12 Grimmauld Place and the group of people behind her were being quite loud. Suddenly there's screaming in the hallway. "Who has entered my house? The Noble House of Black!" The Avengers shut up but you knew exactly who it was. "It's me, grandmother." She said as she started walking down the hall. "I thought you said the house was empty" whispered Steve. "It is." Elaina answered as she approached the painting of Walburga Black on the wall. The curtain was open, Kreacher must have been here. "Well if it isn't the little disgrace." She scoffed, "It's good to see you too grandmother." "Why are you here?" "Because it's my home. My father left it to me." "Who are these people?" Elaina didn't answer. "Muggles? MUGGLES? HOW DARE YOU BRING MUGGLES INTO MY HOME! YOU DISGUSTING, LITTLE BLOOD TRAITOR!" She kept screaming, cursing out Elaina, her father, and everyone else in the room. Elaina had finally had enough. "SHUT IT!" She screamed. Walburga stopped. "I am here for a reason. You can't stop me from being here. You can't stop them from being here. Because you are dead!" Elaina screamed, shut the curtains to her painting and started walking away. Walburga's screams echoed behind her. Everyone followed her into the kitchen, confused more than ever since they just witnessed a painting talk for the first time.

There Are Such Things As Wizards || Bucky Barnesحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن