Chapter 11

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-Week 4-

Emma couldn't take it no more. It has been two weeks since she has seen Hook. In other words, she has seen him they just didn't talk. Week four was becoming boring. Emma spent the other two weeks babysitting and author finding. Operation Momgoose hasn't had any luck in finding the author so she Emma was off for the rest of the week.

Emma talked to Belle and lied that Hook was too busy so they had to cancel the date.

Emma didn't really see Belle after that talk. Or Killian. Emma would only see him in Granny's, but he would mostly leave early trying to not get Emma to talk him into to being with her again.

In the Charming's apartment, Henry walked in Emma's room to find his mother looking out the window.

Henry let out a sigh. 

''Um,uh Hi mom.. what are  ya doing?'' , Henry asked feeling guilty.

''Oh, hi Henry, what are you doing here?'', Emma said turning around to face Henry.

'' Oh nothing, I just got back from Regina's.''

''Oh, thats nice.'' Emma said throwing herself on her bed. It was silent for a moment until Henry had the courage to say,'' So um , how's you and ...Hook?''.

Emma paused for a second and let out a heavy breath,'' Were um kind of on a little break..''

''Oh um wh-what happened..?'', Henry asked a little anxious. Emma sat up straight and looked at Henry thinking, whether or not she should tell him the whole story. 

''Nothing , I just guess something was bothering him.''

'' Mom I'm sorry that I made you and Killian break up, I-I just felt a little left out and I-I OH, I don't blame Hook, I didn't mean for any of this to happen so please don't hate me !'' Emma covered her mouth, shocked at how unexpected that was and she slowly read over what she had said to Henry not wanting to make Henry feel like it was his fault, ''something was bothering him...'' 

''Henry I'm sorry you feel that way and if it sounded like you were bothering us, but don't put the blame on you... and I don't hate you.'' Emma got up from the bed and walked towards Henry.

Henry had tears in his eyes. ''You really mean that?''

''Oh, Henry of course I do!'', Emma said throwing her arms around Henry.Henry hugs her back  and says,'' Thanks.''

''Henry if you felt left out why didn't you just tell me?'', she said letting him go.

''I just felt that if you guys were going to hang out and commit, that I should be part of it too.''

A smile spread across Emma's face.''Why didn't you just ask?''

''I was scared that Hook wouldn't feel comfortable with me around, like I would put too much pressure on him.''

''Why would you say that?''Emma asked, concerned that Henry said something that made Hook feel uncomfortable.  Henry shifted his eyes around the room in embarrassment.

''Well, not so long ago I asked Killian if-if he was going... to ask to marry you.'' Emma's face grew red with embarrassment.'' And I guess he took it like I didn't want you guys to get married.''

''You want us to get married!?'', Emma asked a little too excited.

''Woah, Woah, slow down, Mom.'', Henry said not wanting Emma to go any further...

''Soo, what are you going to do ?'', Henry asked

''Do about what?''

''Oh, please, about Kilian!''

''What you want me to go back to him?'' 

Henry raised his eyebrow and crossed his arms.'' Come on Mom, of course I do.''

''What do I say or..''

''You go and talk to him and tell him that I'm not mad at him and that its not his fault.''

''But, what if he doesn't believe me?''

''Mom, Killian will believe you I know it he trusts you.'' Emma gave Henry a warm smile. She grabbed her jacket and headed for the door. "Just be yourself.''

''Are you ok with this?''

''As long as we all hang out, plus I want you to be happy.''

''Thanks Henry.'', she said giving Henry a big hug.

''Hey, don't get too comfortable with the whole marriage idea, we all need more time to get to know each other.''

Emma let out a giggle and left.

Emma drove to Granny's. When she entered she was disappointed to not find Hook there. She decided to get a drink and she sat on the barstool.

"Hello... um.. can we talk." said a sweet voice.

Emma was surprised to see Killian standing in front of her.

Emma blinked now looking at the wall close by were he was standing. Killian walked over towards her.

"Oh yah ok, I actually wanted to talk to you, too.''

Hook walked over to the bar and sat next to Emma.

''Um, Killian please don't blame yourself, Henry is ok with us being together and-''

Killian kissed her,not letting her finish her sentence. Emma kissed him back putting her hands on his cheeks.

''I know'', he said to Emma. With both of their foreheads pressed against each other.



Emma laughed, ''I knew it.''

''Soo, are you still up for that date?'', Hook said with a loving smile.

Emma gave a sigh of relief."yes!" Emma gave Killian a soft kiss on the check, and hugged him.

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