Chapter 14

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"Oh thanks Belle."

"I hope you don't mind that it's Granny's, it was Belle's idea.''

''Hook , it doesn't really bother me as long as I'm with you.'', Emma said putting her hand on Hook's.

Hook and Emma ordered and drank. They talked and laughed. They were have a pretty good time. But Emma couldn't help like if something was on Killian's mind and it was bothering both of them.

Emma couldn't help but ask"So, what did you do for the past 2 weeks?"

Hook picked up his drink and took a sip.

"Is there something your not telling me...?"

Hook almost chocked on his wine.

Emma regretted saying that.

Hook was quiet for a second. Emma looked onto his ocean blue eyes to look for an answer.

"Belle and I trying to find out how to get the fairies out of the hat.",he said softly.

Emma was confused at first.. Emma didn't want to use her superpower to see if Hook was lying, but she did. And he was telling the truth.

"What hat?",Emma said strictly.

Hook hesitated and then thought about Rumplestilskin lying to Belle and what had became of them. Hook didn't want to look like he has gone back to his evil ways, he wanted to be a hero for Emma.

"Killian?",Emma said putting her hand back on Killian's.

"Rumplestilskin,tricked me,..when I had my other hand back.", Hook said taking a moment to breath,"he said it was cursed, I thought I could control it b-but I couldn't... I punched Will and I didn't want to hurt anyone else so I-I wanted it off so Bad that I had no other choice but to make a deal with Rumplestilskin.I was to do whatever he said,and that was when he made me put some apprentice in that hat, and he wanted you to get rid of your powers and the powers would go to the hat,but it would of sucked you in." Hook said steadily. He continue to look at Emma with wide eyes. And he continued,"He took my heart that day, it was going to complete what he needed to withdraw himself from the dagger and keep his power." Hook finished and looked away from Emma's gaze, ashamed.

"Why did he need everyone elses magic and your heart?!"Emma said with an angry tone and tears in her eyes.

Killian looked back at her after hearing her voice shake with sadness.

"It would help, and he needed the heart of someone who knew him before he became the dark one.He took advantage of me. I tried fighting back the day Elsa and Anna left. But I- I wasn't strong enough." Hook's eyes were filled up with tears.

Emma started crying.

"And the thing I feel the worst about is that my hand was never cursed. It never made me the man I used to be... A villain. I punched Will on my own.",Hook said.

Emma put her hands on her face.

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