Chapter 15

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(Thought you can listen to the song while you read).

"Emma I-I'm sorry"Hook cried looking  at Emma and getting up to leave.

"No,...Killian... it wasn't your fault.",Emma also stood up an went to him.

"Just why didn't you tell before?",Emma said puting her hand on his face.

"Because I was afraid of losing, I-I wanted to be a better man for, and I-I failed."

"All you did was make yourself stronger."Emma cried kissing him.

There kiss lasted  probably like 1 hour. 😊Just kidding, imagine that kiss lasting an hour, it would probably lead to 3rd base or something. Theres a little humor for you.
It lasted a few minuets. And they laughed at how stressed and worried they were. Hook worried about losing her about the truth. And Emma was thinking That hook was being a little stubborn with the whole Henry thing when he was simply doing the right thing. Hook went over to the juxtbox and picked a random song. The song was Stand By Me by Ben E. King. (Play song)They danced and kissed and had a good time.

But like all good things,must come to an end. Hook walked Emma home. At the door, we're they we're at the last date, Killian said stroking Emma's face,"Where have you been all my live?"

"Probably not born yet."Emma said.

They laughed at the joke.

"Soo, Do you want to come in and have some coffee, with my parents and a newborn baby?"

Hook laughed.

"What kind of coffe?"

"We have Carmel..."

"What else?"


"Is that all?",Killian said raising an eyebrow.

"How about French vinalla?" ,Emma flirted leaning torwards Killian and biting her lip.

"You really need your own place."

"I guess well have to wait until next time.",Emma said sadly.

"How about next time we have coffe at my place?"Killian said raising Emma's spirit.

"Id like that."

And they kissed. The kiss probably lasted longer than any of the other ones they have had. They finally stopped.

"Good night, Killian."Emma smiled.

"Good night."

Emma closed the door behind her panting and trying to catch her breath from the kiss.She leaned on the door like last time.

"So how was the date!?"

"God, Serously can you guys stop doing that, it scares the crap out of me?", Emma said startled.

"Woah, I shouldn't ask how was the date, I should ask how was the kiss?",Snow said noticing that Emma and Hook shared a kiss.


"That would explain why you were an hour late.",David said pointing at the clock. It was 10:25.

"Killian and I did that purpose just to get you mad."Emma said .

"What!",David said.

"I'm just kidding, I lost track of time."Emma joked.

"Hmm ok yah.",David said not believing her and looking concered.

"Ok I am going to get some sleep."

"Well as long your happy with him, and there was none of the touching and kissing and stuff I happy.",David said a little softer.

"David."Snow said cradling baby Neal.

"Fine at least not in front of me."

"Good night!"Emma yelled smiling.

Emma laid down on her bed. She was glad she can finally settle down. Henry forgave her and Regina did too. David is starting to accept Hook. And Hook wasn't dead. Everything was starting to turn out to be good.

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