¹⁴⁹: soft boiled eggs / +

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squid squad

3 members are active

(this chapter talks about food, so if youre fasting read at your own risk! :D)

founding daddy
so haknyeon

hoodie borrower

founding daddy
remember when you told me about having a crush on sunwoo

hoodie borrower

lap kitty
oh my god yes i remember that!

hoodie borrower

lap kitty
when sangyeon logged on to ask for jacobs instagram :D

founding daddy
you said you had a crush and that it was sunwoo

hoodie borrower

hoodie borrower

founding daddy
i was just curious

founding daddy
how come

hoodie borrower
what do you mean

founding daddy
what exactly do you like about sunwoo

hoodie borrower
not much...

founding daddy
but you said you have a crush on him

lap kitty
ah, hes just a bit shy :D you know, young love and all...

hoodie borrower
well, i think he is pretty cool..

founding daddy

hoodie borrower
its his aura

hoodie borrower
whenever he acts so tough and all

founding daddy
oh yeah?

hoodie borrower

hoodie borrower
or the way he is very fun to be around and knows how to ease the mood while talking

founding daddy
how does he do that?

hoodie borrower
uhh by opening up his mouth and speaking? 😭

founding daddy
yeah, but what does he say

hoodie borrower
his jokes and all

founding daddy
thats enough to make you have a crush on him?

founding daddy
wouldnt that apply to like everyone else in this chatroom

lap kitty
haknyeon is just shy expressing himself!!! its his first crush in forever

hoodie borrower

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