Chapter 10

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Knock, knock
"Come in"
Cassie walked into Mr. Carter's office, bringing in his morning coffee. After setting it on the table she hit the nail directly on the head.
"Sir, I have considered your business deal, and I have decided to accept it but only on the condition that you pay me half of the money and when I complete the job, it will be completed."
     Calvin was speechless for a while. Why had she decided to take up the offer suddenly? What had happened yesterday?
"Good." He said and brought out a sheet of paper for Cassie to sign which she did.
"I expect you to give me details of your search via e-mail and meeting outside work."
"Yes sir."
Extending his hand, he said.
"Why don't we shake hands?"
She took the hand and shook it. The deal had begun.
As Cassie walked the remaining distance home, she got an alert signifying that Mr. Carter had transferred half of her supposed payment into her account. She promptly re-directed it into the doctor's account and went home.
     On getting home, she phoned the doctor who informed her that the surgery would be carried out the following evening as he had to invite other doctors. That was okay. It gave her enough time to get back from work, freshen up and get to the hospital. She hoped the operation went well.
      The next day at work, she had just dropped Mr. Calvin's coffee and was just about walking out when he called her back.
  "Ms. Willson, I had forgotten to ask yesterday, why were you absent from work the day before?"
Cassie paused, she couldn't possibly tell him that her mother was sick could she? No, she had enough dignity and pride to keep, she could handle her problems on her own.
      "Something urgent came up sir." It needed my immediate attention."
"And what was that?"
"Something personal sir, too personal to share."
Calvin felt a twinge of disappointment. Couldn't she just give him a hint? Could it have been a man? She had told him that she was single but that was some time ago. A lot could have happened.
"How is your search going?"
"I have not started sir, but I hope to begin tomorrow."
"You have only six weeks Ms. Cassie, or else you will have to refund my money."
    "Yes sir." And with that she walked out of his office.
The operation was successful. Cassie's mother had just woken up and stared at her daughter with apology in her eyes.
  "I'm very sorry Cassie, I should have told you when I started feeling pains, but I was scared of what my treatment would cost."
    Cassie stood in the ward her mother was laying down and watched her mother  apologize for something that was obviously not her fault.
    "It's not your fault mom, what happened could not be controlled. Besides, I'm happy you're alive and recovering."
Even if she had to do a very annoying task and sign a thousand legal deals for Mr. Carter, she was ready to do so for her mother to stay alive.
   "I have to go mom but I'll be back tomorrow morning before going to work."
"That's alright honey, take care."
"Ok, bye."

Back home Cassie loaded up her P.C and started her search. She looked up pictures of women Mr. Carter had dated or attended parties or fund raising ceremonies with. In all the photos Mr. Carter had beautiful women on his arm. Cassie felt jealous. Then she berated herself "He's not yours and won't ever be."
         But truth to be told, that is if she were being honest, Mr. Carter was very handsome. She loved the way his blue eyes darkened when he was serious and the way he tousled his hair while working. Before she could stop it, her mind pictured herself on Mr. Calvin arm on one of those many ceremonies. She banged the table frustrated.
         "Focus" she shouted in her head. Her mother's health and funds for continuous checkups until she was well again depended on her ability to finish the job. Besides, she couldn't refund the money Mr. Carter had paid her.
That did the trick!
       She searched for the next several hours non- stop until she noticed that it was very late. So far, she had gotten five women for Mr. Carter to review before deciding on which three to meet with. Simple as ABC- or so she thought. She phoned Mr. Carter for a meeting at a restaurant in Feetoman lane . He obliged and she sent the names to his personal computer for him to review. Now, all that was left was for him to pick out three women.

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