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Five months later

   The Attorney pushed his spectacles up his nose, stood and shook hands with Mr.  and Mrs. Carter.

"Please have a seat."

They both sat down and awaited him to state reasons for summoning them on short notice. He began

"Mrs. Carter, you may not have known but your father was a French man and according to French traditions, everything a man owns goes to his children after death and considering the fact that he ended his life, everything he ever owned goes to you as his only child and heir."

   He brought out a manilla envelope with several documents for them to sign.

After officially handing over Kyle's company to Cassie, joined the company to that of her husband's. It was sad to think that all Kyle had killed for and destroyed people's lives for had ended up being owned by a company he had sought to destroy.

"Well, all's well that ends well." Cassie thought as they walked out of the office to meet both their mother's in the reception.

As Calvin explained the turnout of events to both women, Cassie's face suddenly grew green as she dashed into the nearest rest room to throw up. Coming out after about ten minutes looking drained of all energy.

As she walked out, Calvin wondered what was wrong with his wife. She seemed fine this morning up till this moment. He turned to find both elderly women smiling. They looked at each other, and turned to him and simultaneously gave him a thumbs- up chorusing.

  "Good job."

   The End.

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