Chapter 22

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  Cassie opened her mouth and closed it again. She had no idea of what to say. As she was about to make up her mind to voice out her feelings towards him and accept his proposal, her phone began to ring. She looked at the caller ID and saw that it was the agent in charge of Mr. Kyle's case.

  "Ms.Wilson, could you and your fiancé come to the station? The suspect wishes to see you both."

   Cassie assured him that she would be there in a few minutes as she looked at Calvin who had gotten up from his knee and told him of the latest development.

Without further arguments, Calvin took Cassie's hand as they walked out towards his car. He could feel her hand trembling and cold. He wondered what she thought of his proposal. He hoped that she would agree to marry him. He would ask her after they came back from the station. Little did he know that his love was going to be surly tested in the next few hours.


At the station, Cassie and Calvin sat facing the man who had turned out to be Cassie's father. He looked guilty as he spoke.

"I have a confession to make." He looked at Cassie

"You're my daughter right?"

Cassie shook her head "No. you so happened to have impregnated my mother but you will never, read my lips- Never be my father."

    Kyle sighed "I understand, but I have to tell you the story from the beginning as my life is almost over. Now listen."

I had only married your mother because of her inheritance. You see, your mother had a huge amount of money and a few buildings to her name after her parents died and i was desperate to get it. I encouraged her to sell off the buildings after which I took the money and left the house after a little argument without her knowing. That was what I used to start up my company." He took a pause, took a deep breath and turned to Calvin

  "Mr. Carter, the accident that lead to your father's death was my doing. I wasn't anticipating your mother being in the car and I thought you wouldn't be able to handle the company. You see, your father's company...... or rather, your company was and is still my greatest competitor so I had to make plans to eliminate it undetected. Please I am sorry. I just couldn't live with it anymore." He got up and was accompanied by two officers back to his cell.

    Cassie got up and walked out with Calvin. She felt lost. Her life kept getting worse.


Cassie pretended to be  alright in front of her mother. She stayed with her mother for the next four days only stopping by her house to change or get something for her mother. It was supposed to be a week to the wedding. But due to her mother's situation, the wedding had been postponed by a month and for that she was grateful. She had not heard a word from Calvin for a while now. The proposal still rang in her head. She was sure that Calvin had called that off though. Now all she had to do was focus on paying Calvin  back his money. It was going to be a lot considering that the money for her mother's second treatment was almost double the first.

  As for Calvin, he had paced the confines of his house and office for the past four days. He loved Cassie and he couldn't call off the wedding because of a man. She clearly did not want anything to do with. He picked up his phone, called Cassie and asked where she was: she responded that she was at the hospital with her mother. He hung up and drove to the hospital to pick her up. He was happy her mother was asleep. Things were about to change and he hoped the change would be good.

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