Chapter 21

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Cassie wondered why her mother had suddenly gone quiet. Her mother said the words in a low voice.


Kyle looked up at her and immediately she had a heart attack emanating from the little sleep and much worrying she had kept up these past few days and instant shock.

As Evelyn fell, Cassie and Calvin rushed forward and caught her at the same time. Calvin wasted no time in sending in experienced doctors to attend to her.

Over the next few days, Cassie became withdrawn. She heard that her mother had survived the attack and Calvin had paid the hospital bills. As the doctor disclosed this and excuse them, Cassie looked into Calvin's arms weeping and uttering some inaudible words which sounded suspiciously like she was trying to say thank you.

Calvin simply held her and let her cry. When she was done, she took one look at what she had done to Calvin's shirt, her face immediately turned crimson red. Calvin smiled, went out and came back in less than ten minutes with a new shirt, took her hand gently and told her

"Your mom should be ready to see you. My mother and I kept her company when she first woke up yesterday. You were on sedatives."

At these words, Cassie's defences were shattered. She did not know what to say. Calvin's kindness was just too much for her to comprehend. She just simply followed him into her mother's ward where the woman sat and waited.

After exchanging pleasantries, Evelyn cleared her throat and called Cassie to sit beside her. She put her hand on Cassie's shoulder, not sure how to drop the bombshell.
"Calvin sweetie, could you sit close to my daughter please? I'll be falling asleep again in a short while but I have something very important to say." Calvin did as instructed and Evelyn took a deep breath and said

"Cassie, you remember the man who tried to kill you and Calvin."

Cassie nodded. What had Mr. Kyle done again? Why did he just keep ruining her life? Her mother continued with tears springing up in her eyes

"He is your father Cassie. The one who left when you were three. I'm sorry Cassie, but it was your father that tried to kill you."

  Evelyn was soon fast asleep. Cassie remained transfixed to the spot until Calvin gently guided her out of the room to the reception where they met Calvin's sister and mother. Calvin looked at his mother his eyes pleading her not to ask Cassie any questions. His mother immediately got his message and nodded.

       To Calvin house

They drove home in silence.As they sat Cassie was immediately lost in her thoughts. As she did that, Calvin watched her. He was fed up of pretending. He wondered how she would take the news. He cleared his throat and said;

"Um, Cassie."

  "Yes sir." Cassie answered wondering why Calvin called her by that name when they were alone.
    Calvin took a deep breath and continued
   "I can't do this anymore."

    Cassie nodded. She had expected Calvin to end things at this junction so she wasn't surprised.
   "I understand sir, I'll inform my mother tomorrow so we can call off the wedding."

   Calvin answered in a very serious voice sounding a bit loud

   Cassie was horrified, "You want me to inform her today?"
She got up and faced him "Please sir, I can't do that to my mother."

  She turned and walked to stand close to the window staring  out of it. Calvin got up and said as gently as possible

  "Cassie, I don't want to end the marriage preparations. Can you please look at me."

  Cassie slowly and reluctantly turned to face him. Calvin put his hand in his pocket and felt the box. His heart was beating wildly. It was happening. Bringing out the box, He got down on one knee and looked up at a surprised and confused Cassie.

   "Cassie Wilson, I've loved you for quite some time now and I don't want you to leave, neither do I want you to end the marriage preparations.!All I ask is that you marry me for who I am and not for some stupid agreement. Please will you be my bride for love."

Please vote and comment. And also sorry for updating late, I will try to update during the weekends and will also inform you when I can't .

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