Chapter 20

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Cassie woke up in a wide expanse of space. She tried to move and realized that her hands , legs and mouth were bound to a pillar. She struggled to free herself but it was a futile attempt. That was when she heard footsteps and a low chuckle.

"You can't get out of here. Don't worry, when your fiancé does what I want him to do, I'll make your death very quick."

Cassie looked up to see the person talking to her. She gasped in surprise. It was no other person than Mr. Kyle, the CEO of Kyle incorporations. Loathing immediately filled her. She suddenly remembered the knife she had been keeping in the hidden pocket at the back of her skirt. Since she had begun to suspect someone watching her. She smiled slightly through the cloth. The bastard of a man obviously hadn't done his research on her. If not, he would have known she had a black belt in tae kwon do. She watched silently as Mr. Kyle took out his phone and put a call across to Calvin hiding his ID, and put a cloth over the speaker to muffle his voice. He gave Cassie a sickly smile as he said

"Mr. Carter, if you want your fiancée back, hand over all the documents necessary to hand over the ownership of your company at the front of Sona warehouse at 7pm today. And don't bring any security officers with you."

After he hung the call, he looked at Cassie and told her
"Don't be too sad kitten, you'll meet your fiancé when you get to the other side. I don't want him in my way." He turned and walked out of the building locking the door securely from outside.

Cassie waited until he had left before reaching to the back of her skirt and retrieving her knife. She quickly cut all the ropes and cloth that bound her to the pillar. She looked around and spotted an open window. In the next few minutes, Cassie was already well hidden in a small bush beside the warehouse where she could see everything and checked her watch. It was 6:45pm. Calvin would be here soon - that was if he cared for her enough to come for her. At 6:57pm, she saw Calvin's car pull up in front of the building. The time had come.

Calvin stepped out of the car. His mind was in turmoil. Cassie was missing. Her friend was not at work although she had signed in this morning. Somehow, something was off. As he walked towards the entrance of the building, he saw a man he knew all too well step out of the building. Mr. Kyle brought out his hand for Calvin to shake which was ignored.

"I never imagined you would do this Mr.Kyle. I thought you were serious about giving me the company for a wife and three hundred dollars."

Mr. Kyle chuckled.
"You're quite dumb for a CEO Mr. Carter. Who gives his company to someone for three hundred dollars? I just wanted someone to bait you with. So where are the documents?"

Calvin walked back to the car and retrieved the documents. He handed it over to Mr.Kyle who took it, stepped back, and called
"Claire baby, please come do the honours."

Cassie gasped as she saw her best friend walk into the scene with a gun. Claire asked Kyle
"You'll marry me if I do this? We could just lock him up you know." Kyle shook his head. "If he lives, he'll try to take the company from us. And besides, if you let him live, I'll let Cassie live too."

"Just end him and we could own the company."
At that Claire's face hardened.

"No, I hate Cassie with my whole being." She looked at Calvin and said
"Sorry you have to go down because of her."

As she raised the gun, Cassie ran and lunged for her. She shot at Calvin but Cassie got in the way as she shot her in the arm. Cassie hit the gun away from her hand.

Kyle was angry. So much for letting Claire handle the man. As he pulled out his personal gun, somebody he didn't recognize held him fixed at gun point. She said

"Stop, FBI. You are hereby arrested and anything you say will be held against you in court."

Calvin, and Cassie who had just tackled Claire to the ground stopped to look at who was talking.
Miranda the receptionist smiled and waved in their direction, her eyes still fixed on Kyle.

"Good evening sir. I wasn't following your movement if that's what you think. If you noticed, I've worked there for quite some time. I was hired by your mother who contacted me personally to keep an eye on you."

Mr.Kyle turned to run away as police sirens began to blow louder and louder. Miranda didn't chase, she just shot him in the knee and he was soon unconscious from the pain.

The police came and soon whisked Claire and Kyle away. Miranda took both of them to the station to give their reports after which Cassie's hand was treated. She was lucky. The bullet had only gone through flesh and not bone.

On getting home, her mother was shocked to see Cassie battered and bruised. Cassie had no choice but to tell her mother the whole story. --Well, not all of it. She left out she and Calvin's terms of agreement hoping to come to that later.

Evelyn was angry. She wanted to see the man who had tried to kill her daughter this close to her wedding. After pestering Calvin for the next 12 hours non-stop, Calvin agreed to take her and her daughter to see the man.

Evelyn stomped to the cell after taking permission. She was about to start shouting when she saw his face. It was no other person than her ex- husband and her daughter's father - Kyle.

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