Chapter Two: Into the rabbit hole

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"Protect. Hide." I wave my hand towards my house after stepping out with my basket resting on my arm. I had developed the habit of hiding and protecting my home after finding a wild boar in my garden a year ago and it had charged at me when I surprised it.

Luckily, I had remembered how to use magic- although I refuse to use the long and embarrassing chats that my memories held. But I quickly found that as long as I have a clear idea of what I want, all I need to say is one word.

I set off after my spells had settled and followed the winding path into the deep forest. I have followed this path before with no issues-so I wasn't expecting to end up in an unfamiliar part of the forest. 


"Guess there is more to this forest then it seems." I said out loud. I developed the habit of talking to myself, mostly due to the strangeness of not hearing familiar sounds- cars, horns, trains, people talking, etc. I had always lived in the city in my life as a company employee, so the silence of the forest took some getting used to.

I managed to find all of the herbs that I needed-now I just needed a path back home. 

"Home." I waved my hand, expecting the path to appear as it usually does: which it does not. I sighed and pulled out my wand.

I didn't really like using my wand, mostly due to the fact that I still have my past life common sense where a full grown woman waving around a wand was strange. Although, I do actually like the wand- it is made of Mithril; an very expensive metal that is best for magic conduction and has a special crystal attached to the top of it which stores magic to cast faster spells.

"Home." I waved the wand with a flourish, pointing the tip towards the trees. Finally, the path appears and I tuck my wand into the basket as I walked forward.


I stop, eyes alert as I scanned the area as something crashed through the underbrush.

'Snap Snap!!'

The sounds get louder and suddenly something rolls into my path causing me to jump back and point my wand at it.

"A child?" I looked closely as he looks up at me, covered in dirt and grime. "What are you doing here- Shield!" I quickly shout as a long clawed arm appeared from the same area as the child.

"Show yourself." I demanded stepping in front of the boy, glaring into the trees.

Give me the boy. A deep scratchy voice boomed from the trees as it's owner attacked again.

"You didn't say the magic word." I blocked its blows and countered attacked- cutting a tree in half.

The tree falls, revealing my assailant to be a 7 foot red-skinned demon with four eyes and two mouths- one on the face and another on its abdomen. 

"Demon." I lashed out again and succeeded in cutting off an arm. "You are not welcomed here. Leave."

Give me the boy. It says again as it lunges forward towards him.

"Not happening." I smirked and yelled "PURIFY!!" 

AKKKKKKkkkkkkkk!!!!!!!!!!!! The demon screamed as it was consumed by light magic and turned into dust.

"Now then." I turned towards the boy who only stared at me without a word. "What to do with you?"

I reached down went to brushed his long dirty hair away from his eyes, but he flinches away as my fingers closed in and jumped up- ready to run.

"Wait!" I pull back my hands. "It's okay, I'm not going to harm you."

He stops and looks back at me. I could easily tell that he did not trust me at all.

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