Chapter Thirteen: The Land of Witches

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I ended up staying in bed for about two days before I was allowed to start moving around; although I could not bend for another few days. Luckily, the Land of Witches was rich in magic; so combined with the herbs that Master Ilin used for my wounds, I was healing quickly though it was still a slow process. 

Quinn had come to see me while I was still laying down and proceed to lecture me on my behavior from a few days ago. I had no choice but to listen and made sure to apologize profusely until she was satisfied. It also seems like I will have to listen to two more lectures once I have returned.

However, time ran differently in the Land of the Witches: the days were much slower then the human world so I was not sure how much time would of passed before I did return. Quinn did inform me that Alaric and Captain Kimbra were alright, but she was unable to tell me what they were planning on doing while I was recovering. 

And that worried me. 

In the novel, this was the catalyst which freed the male lead (Alaric) from the evil witch (me) and later start on his journey as an adventurer and eventually find out his identity as the future Emperor of the world. But since I did not harm Alaric at all while he was under my care, I had no idea if he would become an adventurer and become who he was meant to be with his soulmate by his side.

I had tried to speak about his future before, but I could never bring it up or something always seemed to happen whenever I tried. But since I am no longer in the picture, hopefully Alaric will be able to continue on to his happy-ever-after.


"Are you sure that you can not stay a few more days?" Master Ilin asks me as I got ready to leave the Land of the Witches.

"Afraid not." I hugged him as Quinn watched with an impassive face. "I've got to get back."

"Next time you visit, make sure your not injured." Master Ilin smiles and pats me on the head again.

"I will try." I promised, waving goodbye as we headed out. I lead Quinn past meadows with covered in flowers, mountains with waterfalls and snow covered tops, over a bridge with crystal clear waters and exotic fish & mermaids swimming to a grove of cypress trees: two of which crossed each other like an 'X'.

I held out my hand to Quinn who takes it before stepping between the trees. We entered into a magic pathway which could take us anywhere within the human world. Many doors lined the pathway, each different in design and types of wood. Time was irrelevant here; you could walk until your desired door appeared or  imagine the door to appear in front of you as you walked.

The door appears and opens as we moved closer, allowing us to easily step through as our surroundings changed to familiar ones. "We're home." I sighed, releasing Quinn's hand and glancing back to make sure the door closed behind us. 

"Do you need anymore assistance Master?" Quinn opens the door for me as we walked inside the house.

"No." I sighed as I plopped down in a chair. "Thanks for helping me Quinn."

"Will you be informing the Captain and boy that you have returned?"

"I'll let Kimbra know in a few minutes." I sighed again, using the pathway between the Land of the Witches and the human realm can drain a lot of magical power from a Witch; so even though I am mostly recovered, I was already exhausted. "And Alaric...." I hesitate for a moment. "I'll contact him sometime after."

"Alright Master." Quinn had an unusual look on her face. "Please make sure to get some rest."

"Safe travels Quinn." I watch her leave, closing the door behind her before grudgingly getting up and heading for my study: I had to see how much time had passed during my time in the Land of Witches.

I had created a magic calendar a few years ago which kept up the days, months, and even the year by itself so I did not need to constantly change it. I stared unblinkingly at the calendar for a few moments- the date not registering in my tired head and causing me to reread it once more.

It's been five years.

I had stayed in the Land of the Witches for a total of ten days; which meant that two days there was the equivalent of one year here.

'You have got to be kidding me.' I say to myself in frustration.

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