Chapter Thirty-five: Protection of the Entrance

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Note: Blood, gore and violence in this chapter.

"By the Gods." I gasp as the scene before me appears as we left the entrance of the cave. I couldn't believe my eyes at all as multiple skirmishes spread out across the ground and the sky between the Dragons and the creatures dispelling the thick fog that had been there.

A Dragon reared it's' head and blew flames that were so hot that I see the heat waves radiating from towards a creature with the lower half of a giant deer and the upper half of a cobra with six arms with sharp spines as hands. The creature continued to fight even though it was engulfed in flames.

I flinched when I heard a loud shriek coming from above as a Dragon flew overhead, chased by a flying creature with four bear heads and dull feathers which covered its entire body.

I shook my head at the sight and instead focused on what we needed to do. The three of us were to assist any Dragons with injuries during the fight and dispose of smaller creatures while the Dragons dealt with the larger ones while Jewel assisted with guarding the entrance.

Suli jumped around fallen and burning trees to land next to a pale blue Dragon who had blood pouring from their broken wing. I slid off Suli's back and quickly approached the Dragon holding my hands where it could see them and said comforting words before getting close enough to assess their injuries.


I whipped my head to see Suli engaged in battle with a creature that had long skinny arms that looked like a praying mantis forelegs and a misshapen human head with unnaturally large mouth and ears as it's eyes were missing.

Gavin the white Dragon tensed, ready to jump in until I patted him on his side.

"Don't worry." I returned to the pale blue Dragon. "Suli can handle it. Keep watch for more."

Gavin observes me for a moment before nodding as I carefully set the bones back into place before speeding up the Dragon's healing rate.

"There." I sighed as I wiped my bloodied hands on my dress and stood up. "I enhanced your healing- but you still need to careful. Do not hesitate to retreat."

The Dragon stands up and carefully stretches its wing before bowing towards me then sprang up into the sky to join the same Dragon from earlier that had flown over me against the creature with bear heads.

I glance over to see that Suli had won the fight, black ooze dripping from his mouth. "Suli." I called his name as I created a water ball and sent it over to him. Suli dunks his face into the water, twisting his head to clean any remaining blood and pulled out.

He shakes off the water droplets before kneeling down to allow me to climb up onto his back.

"Lets move."


I have long since lost track of time as we ran around healing injured Dragons and removing some of the smaller creatures. I could tell that I wasn't the only one who was tired; Suli continued to protect me but what used to be quick battles were prolonged ones. Even Gavin has had to join in, since more and more creatures attacked us; trying to prevent me from healing injured Dragons.

We must head back Celestia. Suli says after I finished healing a metallic green Dragon who had a severe cut above it's eye. You are no good to anyone in this state.

I sighed, knowing that he was right. I had no idea how long with battle was going to last and I needed to rest to make sure I don't overuse magic again. I struggled a little as I climbed up his back, Gavin ended up lifting me by my cloak to help.

Once I was settled, Suli bounded over a large fallen tree and headed for the entrance to the hidden world of Dragons. We were in sight of the entrance, where a few Dragons were fighting off creatures when suddenly our path was blocked.

A tree fell, with a creature covered in scabs with no nose and slits for eyes along with a whip-like tail who crouched onto top of it. I shivered, somehow knowing that it was looking at me.

It's tail darts forward, causing Suli to jump back and up to avoid the blow but the sudden movement caused me to loosen my grip on his fur and I tumbled down onto the ground.

Celestia! Suli tried to move towards me but the creature quickly moves, it's tail smacking me hard in the stomach and sent me flying into what was left of dense forest.

"Oof!" I grunted as I landed then rolled, hitting my head with a rock which was partially out of the ground. I blinked the stars out of my eyes as I stood unsteadily; I had hit my head too hard which was causing my equilibrium to fail, I all could hear the blood rushing to my head as the sounds of fighting dulled.

I ended up leaning against a tree as breaks in the trees allowed me to see Suli and Gavin. It appeared that Gavin tried to follow me but was stopped by a second creature. Luckily, I still had my wand so once the world stopped spinning enough- I casted a vine spell which captures the two creatures temporarily.

However, since I had a head injury which was probably a concussion: I wasn't able to concentrate enough to make the vines strong enough to hold them. After a few moments, they broke free of the vines but not fast enough to avoid the final blows from Suli and Gavin.

Relieved, I start heading towards them when I was grabbed from behind and pulled back. I didn't even have a chance to call out as I was dragged below ground.

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