Chapter Thirty-six: The Tunnels

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Note: Some violence and cussing

I struggled hard against my kidnapper but their grip was too strong as I dragged behind it though the hidden tunnel. I reach for my wand, but realized that I had dropped it before coming into the tunnel. 

'Concentrate!' I told myself as the weird sew-saw motion of the creature holding me was making the dizziness even worst. "Vines!"

Vines crashed through the ceiling, attacking the creature which released me in surprise and tightly held it in place- suffocating it which exposed it core. I grabbed a sharp rock once back on my feet and slammed it down hard on the core- breaking it.

It disappears as I leaded back on the curved wall, swallowing bile down. 

"Heal." I casted a spell against my head which quelled some of the dizziness and throbbing but if I casted a stronger healing spell without my wand right now; it would cause me to use too much magic and I had no idea what to expect down here.

Any of the creatures could appear at any moment.

I glanced over from where I came and saw only a dead end. I wouldn't be able to break through the ceiling since I had seen a thick layer of earth between the tunnel and the surface and again: would use too much magic. 

My attention next was the way that the creature was taking me. My only hope was that there was a exit somewhere in the tunnels and I escaped without being detected.


I traveled along the tunnel, ready to press myself into the curved wall at any moment as I drew closer to the fork in the tunnel- one heading straight, the other to the left, and the last to the right.

My heart pounded hard against my chest as I carefully peeked to look at one side turn and whipped my head to look at the other: empty. I sighed internally as some of the tension left me, but the tunnels kept extending until only darkness could be seen. 

I had no idea which one to pick. I glance down and notice tracks- all sorts of tracks of the creatures that all lead down to the center tunnel and none which came back. So maybe that was where the exit was. 

 I steeled myself before quickly jogging done the tunnel after casting a silence  spell over myself to prevent anything from hearing me- giving me a chance to hide if need be.


"Holy sh*t." Blair starts to swear as we saw the devastation of the Mirror Mountains.  She and the rest of them were still pale from how we had travelled here.

Since I was now the Emperor of the World- everything was my domain. I commanded the sky to lift us up high to the point we could no longer breathe as stars started to appear during the day then sent us flying in the direction of Celestia.

I was kind enough to give them a safe landing by having the ground to become soft and forgiving. 

They were confused when I told them we were leaving but followed me with no complaints, although Kimbra seemed to be unable to remember Celestia even when I described her- no doubt due to Celestia's surprisingly powerful spell; especially since it had continued to work months after I had become Emperor.

One entire peak of the mountains was missing as Dragon's flew over the land, looking for something. Two Dragons landed in front of us, baring their teeth. 

"Leave." The slightly larger Fiery Red Dragon hisses. "You are on Dragon lands. Leave now or perish."

I observe them coldly as the others pulled out their weapons, ready to fight at a moments notice. 

I wouldn't do that if I were you. A familiar silhouette appears from the rising smoke, pure white fur streaked with blood and soot while icy blue eyes shined in contrast.

"Suli." It was Celestia's familiar, using magic to project his thoughts. "Where is Tia?" I could feel her somewhere, but it was like she was moving farther away.

Suli flinches at the question, baring his teeth at the ground. She was taken.

"Where." I could feel anger rising within me as the two Dragons flinched hard,  slightly cowering behind the Fenrir while my companions shivered in the sudden cold air.

The tunnels. Suli maintains eye contact and does not bow to the pressure. We were ambushed as we retreated and separated.

We stare at each other for a few moments before he turns and walks away, leading me to the location she had disappeared. 

The surrounding trees had been blown away by a massive force and laid down in shambles as the Silver wolf digged into the ground at it's center.

Jewel. Suli says, causing the wolf to stop what she was doing and look up. Move aside.

"Move until I see the tunnel." I ordered the ground, causing the ground to shake at that location as dirt flied up into the air and land on the trees. It made short work, the tunnel revealing itself with in seconds.

I step forward, the remaining ground forming steps into the tunnel as my party and Celestia's wolves; who turned into smaller versions of themselves, followed behind me.

How the Emperor trapped a WitchOn viuen les histories. Descobreix ara