Chapter Twenty-eight: Disappearing

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It's been a year since that day.

After Alaric passed out, I casted a wide range of the same spell over the town: to make sure that no one could remember me and remind him. The 'Forget' spell was kind of like the memory charm in H*rry P*tter but with a difference.

Have you ever entered a room to get something or say something to someone but you forget until you leave the room then finally remembered? This spell was exactly that; you would forget the person or thing until you were reminded of them.

By erasing all traces of myself: I was making sure that he didn't remember. I also contemplated on wither or not I should 'forget' about Alaric as well, but there was a chance that I could accidentally run into him at some point- so it was better for me to remember so I could avoid him.

It sounds simple, but its actually quite difficult and not something that Witches usually use unless they were in a life-threatening situation.

I even went to our home and used a 'Dimensional plane' spell to move our home to a space that is similar to a spatial bag but was much larger with the ability to house living creatures because an invisibility spell would run out over time. However, I knew that I wouldn't use the house again. 

Too many memories had flooded my mind as I stood at the threshold; Alaric was everywhere inside which made it difficult for me to enter my study and gather a few things before leaving. I ended up retreating to the edge of the trees as tears streamed down my face while I struggled to control myself.

I had manage somewhat in holding everything in as I had casted the spell and used the last remaining willpower to propel myself into completing everything else but I no longer had that now. 


Day had turned into night as I struggled to stop hiccupping while my eyes felt super puffy; I ended up creating some ice to lightly press against my eyes and took a deep breath.  I faced the forest that I called home for 10 years but did not turn back towards the clearing as I walked forward.

Leaving it all behind.


"Miss Celestia! Do you happen to have any  delphinium? I got some new vases which would go great with them!" Mrs. Neely asks as she entered my small shop causing me to look up from my tea.

"I received some a few days ago and I believe that I still have some in the back." I set down my cup with a smile and left to check.

I had moved to a larger town far away but still in the same kingdom since I would be able to hear information about Alaric. I ended up opening a small tea shop that doubles as a flower boutique as well.

I named it SereniTea and have had a low steady stream of people that regularly come in.

"Here you go." I bundled up the flowers with twine and handed it off. "Would you like some tea?'

"Unfortunately, I have to head back to the restaurant." She holds the flowers to her chest. "I'll come by later after the lunch rush."

"Alright, I will see you later then." I sat back down at the counter, picking up my cup.

I had created magic glasses that blocked my 'bewitch' abilities and turned my silver hair into bronze locks.

"Hey Suli." I smiled at the now smaller wolf who entered with Jewel in tow.

I had to change their appearances since Suli was my familiar and Jewel being under a pact- having a Fenrir and a Silver wolf inside a large town like this would cause a lot of unwanted attention.

All I did was cast miniaturizing magic and fur coloring on the collars that I had bought which made them appear smaller and turned their fur different colors: light brown with white patches for Suli while Jewel was an ash grey, whenever they wore it.

It took some getting used to, but they now have a handle on it and no longer bump into things or trip.

Jewel had been sulking when I had awake a year ago- we had her stand by as backup during the fight with the creatures, but she never ended up being able to fight cause she had gotten trapped under a tree from the second creature.

Although she eventually forgave me.

Good morning Celestia. Suli lightly bowed and sat down next to me as Jewel sniffed around the small tables and chairs.

Jewel and Suli have been going out to the nearby forest for training during the night, mostly due to Jewel wanting to become stronger.

I didn't really mind since the two of them have been making the habit of sleeping in my bed with me and two wolves take up a surprising amount of space.

Hello Celestia! Jewel sat down on the other side, her tail wagging as I pet her. I was now able to understand her through the pact.

"Good morning Jewel." I scratched her ears enjoying how soft they were. "How was training?"

She's improving. Suli lays down in a small sigh in a patch of sunlight.

"That's good!" I petted her some more as her tail wagged furiously.  "I'm happy to hear that!"

Jewel had a smug look on her face and eventually joined Suli as I returned to my tea.

I was just starting to take a drink when the door of my shop bursts open as a young teenage boy flies in, his face beet red and breathing heavily.

"Miss Celestia! Miss Celestia!!! Big news!!!!" He says excitedly, literally jumping up into my face.

"What is it Cole?" I raised an eyebrow as I used a towel to clean up the spilt tea. "I think that I have asked you not to suddenly barge in like that."

I have broken a few cups in similar situation of Cole entering like that.

"I'm sorry Miss Celestia, but this is really important!!!" He apologizes quickly.

"Why don't you take a seat and calm down first?"

"The Emperor has been crowned!"

I freeze in mind stride at his words, facing the sink with my cup in hand.

"The Emperor?"

"Ya! I just heard the news! Everyone is talking about it!! Come over to the square with me! They are making an announcement in 20 minutes!"

"Okay... Give me a minute." I carefully set my cup down, noticing that my hand was shaking.

'Alaric finally managed to become Emperor.' I untied my apron and absent-mindedly hung it. I took a deep breath as tears threatened to appear.

"Let's go Cole." I released it and had a smile on my face once I turned to look at him.

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