Pleading and Smirks

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Jasmine's POV

        I roll my eyes as I watch Anna and Ricky rifle through my closet, the two occasionally taking something out to hold it in my direction only to put it back in as they grumble to once another and no doubtly talk shit.

    "Why are we wasting time on this when we could be watching a movie and eating ice cream
right now?" I ask the two of them with a smile, hoping they will agree, but they simply glare at me.

     "Ever since Jaden left you've been an absolute boring basic bitch, Jasmine and it's unacceptable. You need to get your ass up, get into something sexy and get ready to go out and have a fun night!" Ricky tries to encourage me with a smile and a shake of his butt, but all I can do is sigh and frown, the name I can't bare to cross my lips, sending a shiver and a shot of pain down my body.

     "If I go to the club, all you'll be doing all night is trying to set me up with someone, and I do not need that right now." I warn them with a glare and they huff before Anna sighs in agreement.

     "Fine. If you decide to go out with us tonight, I promise I will not try to set you up with anyone. Pinky promise." She tells me and I smile gratefully at her before turning to glare at my other closes friend who seems dead set on me bashing his head in before the end of the night. 

     Once he senses me looking at his head, he tenses up as if gearing for a fight, but he takes a breath, and I watch in satisfaction as his shoulders dropped before popping up as he places a hand on his right hip.

     "Fine, I will leave your boring ass alone, but if we go out youre under orders to have fun okay?" He asks me before his face softens further. "I just want you to have fun and be happy again okay? We miss you." He tells me, and I think about putting him in the damn corner for hitting me in the damn heart. Not that he even knows I have one.

      "Get out." I grumble to the two of them. "I'll be ready at eight." I finish and there's a small celebration between the two before Anna places a sweet kiss on my cheek, and Ricky heads out with a loud smack in my ass.

     I roll my eyes once I hear my front door close, but I can't ignore the amused twitch of my lips as I roll on to my back, picking up my phone.

    Checking my calendar for the millionth time as if it will change the date, I see that my interview is in three days. I frown to myself as I think about it. While I don't need the money, I don't know how long I can sit here at home and stare at four walls while trying not to think of him, before I go crazy.

     I need a job. Away from everything else in my life that's too crazy and fucked up from the rest of the world.

    This is my golden ticket. Now as long as there aren't too many idiots along the way, everything should work out just right.


    By the time six thirty rolls around and its time to start getting ready, I'm laying on my floor, arm thrown over my eyes as I try to convince myself that going out will be good for me, and I need it. However, my body does not seem to want to agree.

     Knowing I made a promise, I begrudgingly push myself off of the floor, and walk towards my closet, yawning as I look through my
clothes. I find a black low cut romper and red bottom shoes, toward the back of my closet, not having been used in months, making me smirk. Ricky and Anna will hate me dressing up when they've already agreed to leave me free and single for the night. It will kill them. Which is actually why I'm wearing it.

    I snicker to myself as I lay my things along my bed, pulling out a strapless bra and thong, knowing anything else would ruin the outfit.

     After everything is lain out and ready, I grab my towel from my chair, sighing when I think about having to do it myself again, shaking my head of the thoughts going down that road. Once in the bathroom, I rid myself of my shorts and tank top and stretch, smiling when my back pulls and cracks.

    I set my towel aside, and turn on the bath, lowering the drain plug in the tub before I shave my
legs. I shower, washing my hair, before I get out, wrapping a t-shirt around my dripping locks before sitting it on top of my head, my hands moving to dry my body with my towel.

    With a routine that took two years to perfect, I dry and curl my hair in ten minutes, adding some eye shadow and mascara before moving out of the room, bringing my lotion to the bed.

    In five minutes I'm dressed and slipping in my shoes, grabbing a few bracelets and a necklace before getting my phone from the bathroom, and heading down the hallway to the kitchen, sitting on a stool as I put on my jewelry.

    And just like I expected, in three minutes, there's a knock on my door, twenty minutes early.

    I walk towards the door, putting up my clutch and purse before opening it on my way towards my couch.

     Anna and Rick let themselves in, and stop short once they see me fully dressed and ready to go, as I place my ID, card, and cash into my
clutch along with a few other things. I watch in amusement as I set aside my bag and raise my bows at the pair, tilting my head.

     "You're here early." I state, not giving them any room to lie, and at first they hold steady, but must too soon they're quick to answer.

     Always so eager to please.

     I'll have to talk to Mark and Mario about getting them something.

     "We didn't think you would really come so we came to drag you out of bed if we had to." Instead of getting upset I laugh, shaking my head at my two friends and they roll their eyes at me.

      "Well, I thought about not going, but I said I would so here I am." I tell the two, standing up off of the couch, smirking once they take in my outfit.

      "Holy shit." Ricky exclaims, with read cheeks, my smirk growing deeper.

      "I hate you." Anna tells me, her voice monotone, and I laugh in delight before reaching over to fix her collar, knowing it's to be right at all times.

     "I wanted you to." I tell her with a wink and lead the two complaining big ass babies out of my apartment and towards our cars in the parking lot. "Come on, I'll be DD." I offer and though they hesitate, they would never say no to no responsibilities.

     "We are going to have fun tonight." Anna says, narrowing her eyes at me and I sigh, getting inside the car, hoping I won't regret tonight.

     "I hope so."

Guys if it wasn't for my ADHD meds stan would have said fuck me after the second chapter. I just finished number seven. It feels good but I need to hurry up and write this last one before I run out of steam.



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