Challenges and Amusement

109 6 1

Jasmine's POV

  I hold back a chuckle inside at how flustered Renner gets when I make the comment, his red cheeks burning as he chokes around a cough.

   "Let's move on." He says, straightening his tie before going to star firmly at his laptop. He doesn't allow his eyes to wander this time and I bite back a smirk of amusement as he goes on. "Okay the next email is from New York Times, asking if there's any time within the next month that I would be free and willing to do an interview. Write it down as a Note that we need to look at my schedule and see if I can fit that in." He tells me and I go to write the note down across the bottom of the page before glancing up.

    I look at his features, his dark brown hair trimmed and neat, his facial hair shaved down giving him a very proper look which I'm sure he's going for.

What I don't expect is to see a tattoo peek out from underneath his shirt as he fidgets with his tie again, a habit any Dom would harp on in an instant.

This goes on for another hour until we're all the way done going through his emails. I close my notebook, ten pages already full of information, and I make a mental note to go to Barnes & Nobels later to grab a planner and notebook.

Mr. Renner continues to tap away on his laptop and I go over my notes, trying to soak in the information. The personal emails were the most interesting. There were quite a few that he didn't tell me, and those that he did mostly consisted of ones from his mother trying to reach him, which he showed no interest in.

"Mommy issues?" I ask him suddenly, a piece of me wanting to challenge the well put together man in my attempt to learn more about him and read him.

He stops typing suddenly, glancing up at me, before the notes in my lap before straightening up. "If that's what you want to call it." He says vaguely, his jaw tightening and I can tell I struck a nerve.

I feel myself start to get intrigued , my body leaning towards him im interest. I can't stop myself from wanting to dig more. To push him past his comfort zone and tell me more. I feel my face get slightly flush and my core throb with the idea. So many little subby men that come through the club are just lost boys who's mommy's didn't give them the love and attention they needed and now they're here craving that same bond from one of us. And damn it feels good to give it.

I find myself studying Renner, the soft pull of his furrowed eyebrows and the nervous manner he seems to have as he tugs at his earlobe and chews his lip. "Want to talk to me about it?" I ask, more curious than anything, and I watch as Renners walls slam down immediately at the question, his back straightening as his hand goes to wrap around his neck, showing me he feels vulnerable emotionally.

"No, I don't." He tells me, and I back off, not wanting to get on my boss's nerves too much. At east not in the first day.

Amused about his sudden shift in attitude over the question, I tuck it away for another day before excusing myself to go back towards my own office. As soon as I stand up, he glances up from his computer. "Back to the office?" He asks me and I want to roll my eyes at him, but I stop myself. Just barely.

"Yes. I mean, if that's okay with you." I tell him sarcastically though I keep my smile pleasant and sweet.

His cheeks warm the slightest bit but he tries to cover it up with a small frown. "Easy." He mutters and I resist the urge to laugh right there before turning and heading back towards my office.

Once in there I close the door and get to work separating the things in my notebook by their category, before filing them away in the cabinet behind me, taking the key out of the top drawer and placing it on my key chain. Just when I'm almost done filing everything away over an hour later, there's a knock on the door connecting our two offices.

I pause my work to turn towards it, my eyebrows raised in surprise and amusement. "It's open." I call out and watch as the door gets pushed open, Renner stepping out from behind it with three ties in his hand and another shirt thrown across his shoulder. He comes into my office and sets everything down on my couch, spread out for me to see before pointing at the selection and to himself.

"I have a meeting coming up with contractors, reporters and business partners in thirty minutes to talk about a new orphanage and foster home. Which shirt and tie look best for the occasion?" He asks me, and I can't stop it this time when my face blooms into a full smile at the question. The evidence of his submission is growing more and more, the temptation to push boundaries and see how far I can take him just beyond the horizon.

"Hmm, try on the blue tie for me with this grey shirt." I order softly, and watch in satisfaction as his takes his tie off to switch it out.

Once he's done he turns towards me with a 'do you like it' smile, nerves flying in his eyes and I'm struck for a moment of how much he reminds me of Jaden, the nervous smile, waiting for an affirmation to know he did a good job and looks good.

   The image smacks me hard in the chest, the air escaping from my lungs rapidly, and I feel my walls come up swiftly. I draw back into myself, the unexpected pain still too much to bear after all this time. I look back at Renner, my eyes a little blurry and find him studying me this time. Clearing up my features I give him feedback. "Go with the blue, it looks more professional." I tell him in a bored tone before going back to filing stuff away.

   I can sense his confusion, but I don't turn back around, instead continuing my work as if he already left.

   It only takes a few moments for him to catch a hint and when he does, he leaves without saying goodbye, closing the door that connects our offices with a quiet click. I sigh as soon as he leaves and fall back into my chair and cover my eyes with my hands.

  Fuck, why did you have you go? Why can't I let you go?

  I ask myself the same question I have been for weeks and by the time I hear Renner leave for his meeting, I still don't have an answer.

I know my chapters have been a little shorter than normal, but I'm okay with that. I haven't gotten the chance to get more meds for Stan(my ADHD) so I'm doing the best I can. So far I'm loving this story though.



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