Decisions and Attempts

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Jasmine's POV

As I drive myself towards Renner Corp, I try to figure out how the hell I got myself into the car in the first place.

It was the stupid woman from yesterday. If I had managed to escape that building without meeting her, I would still be in bed right now, or looking out over my view with a nice cup of coffee in hand.

And a whole lot of depressing thoughts to go right it.

I frown to myself, even if I know the thought is true. Whenever I find myself with nothing to do, all I can manage is to stare of into space and think about the one thing I shouldn't be.

    But something about that woman made me get up this morning, put on a dress pantsuit, and make my way over to start my first day at being a personal assistant.

    My guys tells me that the lady I saw yesterday doesn't take a lot of shit from people, and yet she spoke so highly of her boss, even when talking about their informal connection. Maybe I was too hasty on judging Renner, or maybe I want that woman to rest knowing that the person she likes is going to take care of the overgrown man child.

   Whatever the reason was, here I am, in my car on the way towards a job that twenty four hours ago I was swearing I didn't need.

   Life is funny that way.

   When I pull up to the front of the building, since I don't have a badge yet, it's six fifty, and I nod to myself, taking pride in punctuality.

   I get out of the car, smooth down my suit and grab my bag from the passenger seat before locking my car and heading towards the front of the building.

When I walk through the door, I'm surprised yet again by how much effort seems to go into making sure that the employees are well taking care of. I can already see a few employees already in line for the cafe, as well as some starting to work on some paper work in the lounge area, the mood upbeat and calm, which is weird for a white collar building in the city.

    As I walk through the people milling around, I stuffy the inside of the building, admiring the many local art pieces and plant life that are scattered around the place, the greenery the perfect addition for those who work sitting down in offices all day long.

    Those who see me smile politely and nod as I pass, and I can't help the surprise that passes through me. When I applied for a job a few months ago at Dragon Electric, everyone I saw there looked miserable and like they were waiting for the next moment they could escape. I reach the front desk on the main floor and am met with a team of two young woman and a man who seem to be the information and check in team. The man is who sees me first, and he puts aside whatever he is working on, plasters on a genuine looking smile before addressing me.

   "Good morning, ma'am. What can I do for you?" He asks and I'm intrigued by there being a man on the receptionist team, especially since Male CEOs love having eye candy waiting around on them.

   It makes me more curious about the man in charge.

   "Hello, I'm here for my first day on the job as Jacob Renner's personal assistant." I tell him and before I can tell him my name, he pulls out a stack of paperwork off to the right of his computer before looking back up at me.

    "Jasmine Sullivan, you're right on time. May I see your ID? I'll get the order in for your badge and have it ready for you by the lunch break." I hand over my ID, impressed with his professionalism and speed.

   He takes note of my ID number before handing it back to me, as well as the stack of paperwork that comes with a sticky note with my name on it, as well as the picture from my resume.

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