Oh Hell No: Brian Edition

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"Oh Hell No" a series of imagines where you are the sister of one of the "Fast and Furious" characters. Not all imagines are the same or have the same themes, in fact the only thing the same is that Deckard is the love interest of the sister.

Brian was very protective over you, but that wasn't hard to guess. He had allowed you to help him and Dom on a mission under one condition: you had to stay by his side the entire time. You did thorough research on the man you were after, Deckard Shaw, but that didn't change the fact that he was relentless and a one man army. If you successfully helped them bring this ghost in, Brian gave you his word he'd let you get more involved with missions.

Now, standing beside your brother, Dom, and the many suited members of Mr. Nobody's team against a lonesome man eating his dinner, you began feeling as though something wasn't quite right. You shot a look to Brian, but he didn't seem to notice. It was just another easy take down to him.

"Theres an old saying, 'the enemy of my enemy is my friend'." His voice was deep and he spoke with conviction. Mr. Nobody began looking around nervously, something was definitely wrong.

"I don't have friends," Dom countered, "I have family."

Deckard scanned the crowd of people, his eyes landing on you a moment making Brian defensive. He smirked and turned back to Dom, "Well, I got alotta friends." Explosions went off on either end of the building, your large team seemed to shrink compared to the many assailants entering through the broken walls. Shots rang threw the air as you all dove for cover. Mr. Nobody cried out a new formation and you followed Dom and Brian, covering their flank.

You turned to see the badass, Mr. Nobody making multiple one shot kills, glad he was on your side. Then he was shot down, you attempted running to him but Dom told you to stay with Brian and went to help him away from the shooting. Brian lunged for the God's Eye as bullets rained upon you both. That's when you felt a sharp pain in your shoulder and fell back against a large wooden pile.

Suddenly, someone lobbed a grenade in your direction. Brian hadn't noticed you not following him and shouted, "Get down!" Running off to find cover. You felt yourself lifted by strong arms and turned to see him, Deckard. He was carrying you out of harms way, just as the two of you made it outside you heard the explosion. Gently, he sets you down as you hear your brother shouting your name from the opposite side of the building.

"You saved me?" You questioned as he examined your shoulder.

"Dont get used to it, darling," he stood to leave before Brian and Dom found you.

"Wait, why did you do it?"

"Dont get all emotional on me. If anyone's going to kill a Toretto, or an O'Connor for that matter, it's going to be me," Deckard put up an aggressive front, but you saw right through it. You nodded, smiling, and pushed up to your feet. He backed away and winked, "See you around, O'Connor."

"Catch you later."

He chuckled, "No you won't," and he was gone. For a relentless, one man army, Deckard Shaw was a real softy.

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