Oh Hell No Pt. 2/Caught: Dom Edition

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Deckard pulled up outside your apartment after your fourth date. It was late and you couldn't stop smiling. It had been a couple months since the two of you first went out together, and you felt comfortable yet shy around him.

Every part of you wanted to ask him to come inside, but was it too early for that? You didn't want him to think you were that kind of girl... but maybe you were. It had been so long since you'd dated anyone that you'd forgotten every rule of thumb. Who cared anyways!

"Did you... want to come inside?" You asked without looking up at him.

After a brief pause, Deckard responded. "I'd like to." Relieved, you reached for your handle to get out when he stopped you. "Allow me, please."

Deck excited the vehicle and went around to your side, opening the door for you. He was such a gentleman: holding open doors, pushing in your seat, picking you up in the most outrageous vehicles.

"Thank you, Deckard. Be sure to thank your mother for me, she really raised such a fine young man."

He smirked, "She'll be grateful to hear it."

You led him to the doorway and unlocked the front door. The entrance opened up straight into the living room. Suddenly, you found yourself feeling very ashamed of your home. The furniture you had was sub-par because you had gotten everything for free off the sides of the road or for cheap from local yards sales. Nothing you had was new or quality. Then you saw Deckard standing in the room, he was a jewel in a wasteland.

"Sorry. It isn't much. I make a teacher's living," you shut the door behind you, "I'm not quite as set as you are."

"Nothing wrong with it," he replied, but you could see it in his expression. Everything you owned was junk and he knew it.

"You don't have to stay, Deck. I won't blame you for running out of here."

"What for?" He gestured to the room, "Because you think I don't like your house?" You shrugged. "I'm not here to judge your stuff" He approached you and gently took your hands, "I'm here because I love spending time with this amazing woman."

He leaned down close to you as your heart pounded against your chest. Just before his lips could meet your though, there was a knock at the door.

You sighed.

Deckard got defensive, "Who's here this late?"

"Its just my brother, he does this when I go on dates. Let me get that."

He nodded understanding, "I'll be in the bathroom."

You pointed out it out to him and he disappeared through the hall. Another knock sounded off and you opened up the door.

"You said you wouldn't do this anymore, Dom," you sighed in annoyance.

"Well, you know me. Can't stay away from my baby sister." Dom smiled big. "I'm not here to check out the new boy-toy actually. Last weekend I left some tools here, I came to get those back."

"And this couldn't wait till morning?"

"What? Your boyfriend was just leaving anyways right?" He was such an older brother to you, if you weren't paying the mortgage on this house you'd swear you were back home with him and Mia with curfew and the no boys allowed in your room rule.

"Actually, I'm entertaining at the moment," you blocked his entrance. "Come back tomorrow and I'll have everything for you." He gave you a quizzical look, "I'll even throw in breakfast."


"Wouldn't be breakfast without it, now would it?"

He laughed, "Fine. Tomorrow, bright and early. No night time guests."

"Understood," you pecked his cheek. You had almost gotten rid of him when Deckard emerged from the bathroom. Dom looked up at him and something deep inside seemed to click.

He pushed passed you and stood between Shaw and his little sister.

"You. What are you don't in my sisters house?"

Confused, you tried to get in front of him to explain, but Dom wouldn't let you pass. "You two know each other?"

Deckard's typical suave demeanor had severely shifted. His eyes were mean with realization. "Toretto," he whispered to himself, almost as if he remembered the name.

"Y/N," Dom's voice had changed. "Go to my car, get my tools." It took you a moment to realize he didn't mean his tools. He meant the lead pipe and the semi wrench.

"Dom, what's going on?"

"Go outside, Y/N."

You shook your head, "Deck?"

"Do as he says, love."

Dom stiffened and turned to you. "He's the guy?!" They were two junk yard dogs ready to pounce at one another, standing big and mean in your living room.

"Will you tell me what's going on!" You shouted.

Dom pointed at Deckard, "This is that English prick that killed Han!"

Your heart sank as you turned back to Deckard, the guy you had been dating for months. The sweet, suave, smooth-talking gentleman you had invited into your home... he had killed a dear family friend. Speechless and baffled, you forced Dom to move our of your way as you slowly inched forward. You write certain he would never hurt you, but the expression he wore around your brother was different and you worried what this Deckard was capable of.

"Deck, tell me it's not true," you whispered. His eyes never left Dom, but you could barely see the shift of emotion in his eyes. "Tell me he's got you confused with someone else."

Finally, Deckard met your gaze with soft, apologetic eyes. "I'm sorry, love." Your hands covered your mouth as you fought back the urge to cry. "Its not what you think, Y/N!"

Dom gently pulled your from him with the same tight lip and cold eyes never leaving his enemy. "Leave."

"Or what?" Deckard barked.

"I'll make you."

The closer the two got, the more their words turned into snarls and growls. You were appalled at the thought of who you had trusted and brought into your home. What disgusted you the most was that even knowing what you did now, you still had these strong feelings for him. Having had enough of this insane rollercoaster of emotions, you finally shut them down.

"That's enough!" You shouted, startling them both. "You need to leave."

Big, bad Deckard seemed to disappear as he moved to your side and took your hands in his, trying his best to apologize and explain himself. But Dom wouldn't let him close to you for long. He ripped Deckard's grasp from you and tried to man-handle him. Deckard pushed him away and brushed himself off before making his own way to the front door.

He stopped right at the entryway and took one last look at you before sighing, "I'll see you around, love."

After the door shut, you completely broke down balling yourself up on the floor feeling betrayed. Dom pulled you into his big brotherly arms and hugged you. He hated seeing you like this.

Coming Soon!
Oh He'll No Pt. 3: Prove It/ Dom Edition

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