Slow Dance

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"Congratulations" everyone said as they passed by the newlyweds to enter into the reception hall. Patiently, you did in the queue wondering to yourself why you even got invited. Sure, the bride was your best friend back in highscool, but you had a pretty serious relationship back then with the groom that ended badly... maybe even worse.

The front of the line was coming up quick, and you began panicking thinking of what you would say. Should you make a lighthearted joke? Maybe just smile and walk by as fast as you could? Perhaps it'd be easiest to just say congratulations to her and ignore him at all costs.

Finally, you were up. Bianca, the bride, greeted you with a bright smile and you congratulated her. When you finally faced Ian, you said the first thing that came to mind and instantly regretted it. "So glad you were able to walk at your wedding!" Why why WHY did you have to bring that up?

Ian was slight taken aback, and smiled half-hearted and awkwardly before replying, "And I'm so glad you still have a license after running me over six years ago." You, the bride, and the groom all stood in an uncomfortable silence before you carefully backed away towards the open bar-- like you needed to drink with no filter holding you back already.

You sat for a moment, patting at the cool wood of the bar waiting for the bartender. He approached asking, "What'll you have, ma'am?"

Not wanting to wake up tomorrow in someone else's bed, you decided against anything too strong. "Just a beer for me, thanks."

He nodded, "And you, sir?" you turned to see who he was talking to. Behind you stood a tall man with a quizzical look on his face, he was very handsome and he held himself in a highly mannered way.

"Beer, huh?" His accent sent chills down your spine.

"There a problem with that?" You countered.

"No problem," he sat beside you, "you do seem like a light-weight. Maybe beer is for the best then, aye?" Was he... was he mocking you? He raised an eyebrow in your direction and instantly you felt your heart flutter a bit. Challenge accepted, English man.

You turned back to the bartender, "A scotch on the rocks with a twist, please."

Glancing over to see his reaction, you saw him smile to himself almost pleased. "I'll take a gin and tonic." With that, the bartender left them. "Deckard," he reached out his hand.

"Y/N" you shook his.

"How do you know the happy couple?"

Quickly, you thought up an answer that wasnt so embarrassing, "I.. went to highschool with them. You?"

"I dont really know them, but my brother knows the best man. Unfortunately, he wasnt well enough to make the trip, so I told him Id drop by and say hello on his behalf." He said it with no real enthusiasm.

The bartender set the glasses in front of you both and was off. The two of you talked for a long while before a familiar song began playing. A dreamy look crossed your eyes and sent you into a daze in the midst of you talking.

"Are you alright?"

"Hm? Oh, yes!" Snapping out of it, "I'm sorry, I just love this song." You continued your dreamy gaze as you took a sip from the chilled glass. Gently, Deckard brushed his fingers through yours, intertwining them together as he pulled you from your barstool.

Shocked and intrigued, you allowed yourself to be taken away. Stopping in the center of the dance floor, Deckard kept your fingers laced and placed his other hand on your lower back pulling your bodies closer. As the music played, the two of you swayed and stared deeply into each others eyes.

"What's so special about this song?" He asked as he held you close. "Old boyfriend?"

You blushed and shook your head, "It was my mom and step dads song." He nodded, clearly wanting to say more but not knowing if he should. You continued, "I never knew my real dad, but my step dad was the kindest man youd ever meet." The past tense in your words made Deckard frown. "They unfortunately both passed in a car accident before he could officially adopt me." A tear streamed down your cheek, you shouldve been over it by now it wasnt your intention to get emotional.

After apologizing and feeling you had ruined the night, you thought it best if you left. But even after the song ended, Deckard held you close not allowing you to leave his arms.

He thought a moment, "Want to get out of here?" His forwardness took you by surprise and you agreed, entering the party alone and leaving with the best looking man in the room.

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