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*warning* mild language

You felt this happened all too often, people entered you house guns blazing at the most inopportune times. The firearms Deck left for your protection when he wasnt around were placed all over the home, why was there not one next to the sink where you were doing dishes!

Sitting in a bulletproof glass cage, you werent scared or even a little amused. There was a lot you had to get done today and now you were being delayed by... did you know who had kidnapped you? Probably Cipher, that bitch always had it out for the Shaw family.

"Cipher?! I have much more important shit to be doing right about now! I dont need this! Deckard is guna kick your ass anyway, why not save yourself the trouble and let me go!"

Someone approached the glass, it wasnt Cipher nor was it a woman. Standing before the glass stood a tall dark man with a thick black bulletproof suit. He was handsome, you had to admit, but what did he want with you? More importantly, what did he want with Deckard?

"Sorry to pull you away from the household chores, Miss (Y/N). Me and my boys just have a bit of a bone to pick with your boyfriend, Shaw."

"Listen, I know Deck can be a bit..." what was the right word for this, "lethal at times, and Im sure whatever ass-kicking he gave you and your crew, you deserved. But why am i here?"

The man smiled at your words, he seemed highly amused by you. "Deckard wouldnt accept my invitations, so I figured a bit of bait would lure him in."

Of course.

The front door to the large building you were trapped in opened, and in strutted none other than Deckard Shaw. You smirked, knowing this crew was about to get a royal beat down. Take the man's stuff you'll get a slap on the wrist, take the man's woman and you'll unleash hell.

"Shaw! I was beginning to worry youd never find us!" The tall dark man exclaimed, "Me and your missus were just starting to get aquainted."

"Release her, Brixton. This is between you and me," his eyes were cold and dark.

"I know, i know, but you know me!" The door to your glass cage opened and in came a guard. He pushed you down to your knees and held his gun aimed right at your head. Deckard's lips curled inward, he was getting angry. Strike one. "It never hurts to have a little extra insentive. Besides, I am the type of man to play with my food before I eat it, arent I?" Strike two, Mister.

"You alright, doll?" Deckard called out to you.

"Im fine, Deck." His eyes, though cold to his adversary, were full of nothing but worry when he looked to you. You, the love of his life, held at gunpoint. Just another pawn in a game you were both unwilling but forced to play.

"Listen up, Shaw! I'll make this very simple. Join the cause and she goes free."

Deckard took his eyes away from you, surely it wasnt that plain and simple. "Whats the catch, Brixton?"

"No catch, Deckard. Im a man of my word, arent I? Join us and she walks."

What was this cause he kept talking about? If your boyfriend was unwilling to join it couldnt have been a very good cause. He took one last look at you, and you knew all too well your safety came first in his eyes.


Brixton motioned the guard and he lifted you up, escorting you out of the glass box and pushed you towards the door, towards Deckard. You ran to his arms and he pulled in tightly, his eyes never leaving his enemy. Something was not right, you both knew it. Without a moment to lose, you began pulling him to the door when a different guard stopped you.

"Oh, I did forget to mention," you knew it, "you cant leave, Deckard. Just the girl."

"No, she stays with me. She goes. I go."

Brixton gave a fake sympathetic look, "You think we, warriors of the cause, get to have weaknesses? When you fight for what we believe in, there is no room for error!" Brixton looked you dead in the eyes. "If anyone ever knew of your little pet, theyd always gun for her. She goes." He got up in Deckard's face, "You stay." Strike three.

"Then count me out." Deckard pushed you behind him. "The exit, go!" He shouted. You booked it for the door, being stopped by the guard. They really had no idea what they were messing with. With a swift kick to the back of his knee, he fell. You wrapped your legs around his neck and used your body weight to bring him down, quickly jumping up and pulling his gun away from him. When the gun wouldnt fire, you noticed the guard's glove and took it for yourself. The gun lit up green when paired with the glove, and you ran to Deckard's aid.

He was fighting Brixton, which proved to be useless. Every attack Deckard made, he countered or avoided. It was as if Brixton knew every hit he would make before he could make it. As you took out the guards one by one, you searched for a distraction. Something that would cover the two of you long enough for a get away.

Thats when one of the guard lobbed a grenade your way. Acting fast, you kicked it towards Deckard and Brixton.

"Deck! Grenade!" You cried out.

The two quickly took notice and dove in opposite directions. You tugged Deck to the doorway and made it out as the explosion sounded.

"My car, hurry!" You jumped in the passengers seat as he got drivers seat. He spun his wheels and the two of you were off. Taking one last look back, you saw Brixton watching closely after you.

"Who was that guy?" You finally asked

"I'll tell you about it later," he grabbed your hand and kissed it sweetly, rubbing the back of it. "Im just glad youre safe."

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