Little Shaw

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You were exhausted, Deckard was away on another mission and he had been gone for a few weeks leaving you and your daughter alone. Although the daily routine grew tiresome you were thankful to your in-laws. A toddler can be a lot to handle on your own, especially when she missed her daddy. All you heard throughout the day was, "Where is daddy? When is he coming home?" And you didnt have an answer for either of those questions.

A knock at the door sent little D/N running to answer it. Time and time again you told her it was dangerous to get the door without an adult, but she couldnt help it. She thought it was Deck every time. You chased after her just in time to hear her shout with joy, "Grandmother! Uncle Owen! Auntie!"

Thank goodness, you thought. They always kept her distracted long enough for you to get some housework done. It was Owen who lifted her up and spun her around, eliciting a joyous laughter from the young girl.

"My dear, Princess D/N!" Owen exclaimed. "How is the fairest lady in the land?" She loved his fanciful speech, it made her shy and happy. D/N dug her face into his chest and giggled.

Hattie and Maggie joined you in the kitchen. "Need any help, Y/N?" Hattie offered with a hug.

"Just you guys being here is enough," you stated plainly as you hugged you mother in law as well. "Have yall heard from Deck?"

"Not a word, dear." Maggie pulled away,  "You know he's not one to dawdle on a mission."

You nodded.

In the living room, D/N was showing Owen pictures she had drawn. "This one is me and daddy!"

Owen took it, pretending to thoroughly inspect it. "Its superb! But where is your favorite uncle at?"

"Um..." she snatched it back from him, "wait. It's not done yet." You smiled, he was great with her.

"Did he tell you when he was coming home?" Hattie asked.

Shaking your head, you responded, "Does he ever?"

The sound of a car door slamming outside shifted everyone's attention to the front entrance. Hattie, Maggie, and you all entered the living space with Owen and D/N. Owen gently pushed your daughter closer to you, and you took her hand in yours carefully guided her behind you. A family of wanted criminals was never too careful, especially in the presence of there young granddaughter/niece.

The uninvited guest made their way to the front door and knocked. D/N tried to pull away to answer it, but you tightened your grip. You looked to your family and they all motioned for you to get it as they each hovered over their firearms. You really needed to talk with them about gun safety in your home, but that was for another time. Another knock at the door sounded off.

You picked up your daughter and handed her off to Hattie before making your way to the door. Holding your breath, you opened it.

"Hello, darling." Deckard stood on the front porch with a bouquet of roses, smiling wide.

"Deck!" You eagerly jumped into his arms and planted a kiss on his lips. "Why did you tell me you were on your way home!"

"Thought itd be a nice surprise."

"Daddy!" D/N wriggled out of her Auntie's grip and ran towards him. Deckard lit up at the sight of his little girl and he picked her up in his arms, smiling brightly. His family sighed in relief and grinned at the loving sight.

"Shouldve told her you were coming home, Deckard," Owen said standing from the loveseat. "You almost got shot." The boys smiled at each other and hugged.

"With your aim, I doubt it." The family laughed together. "Hey Hat, Mum, " he kissed their cheeks.

"We've missed you, dear," Maggie smiled.

"Well, I couldn't stay away too long," he looked to his little girl and you. Deckard gave you another kiss and D/N gave her daddy a peck on the cheek.

"You won't leave again, right Daddy?"

"No, Pumpkin. I'm here to stay." Your whole family was together again. What could be better?

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