chapter four.

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Third Person POV:

New York, USA

Jonathan Vanderbilt pocketed his phone and took a long sip from his cappuccino. If anyone looked through the windows of Crossroads café they would see a small family-owned coffee shop that was fairly empty.

Jonathon stuck out like a sore thumb. The six foot four American mafia boss sat in a corner booth, making the table look smaller than it really was. He was wearing an expensive black Versace suit that complemented the gold Rolex that sat on his wrist. His intimidating presence and air of authority that seemed to surround him caused the only waiter, a teenage boy, to sweat bullets when he motioned him to come over with a flick of his wrist. With shaking hands and slow steps the boy cautiously made his way over to the intimidating thirty-five-year old man.

"I-is there some- something you need sir?" The boy struggled to speak in an even tone.

"A refill please." The mafia don had a chilling voice. Even though the command was a polite request, the boy couldn't help but become more afraid. He practically ran to make the Don another cappuccino, and brought it back within a matter of minutes.

Jonathan had a blank look on his face. Years of being the Don of the American Mafia taught him how to hide his emotions behind an impenetrable blank wall. But lately he was finding it extremely difficult to do so. He was beyond angry and stressed. There was a mole in his mafia that was leaking important documents and information about his dealings, alliances, and businesses. He could feel the empire he worked so hard to build crumbling in front of him, and he had no idea how to stop it.

He was waiting for his underboss, Daniel Martin, a longtime friend and a trustworthy advisor, to join him so they could make a plan on how to save his mafia from its downfall.

"He's here boss."

Jonathan nodded his head and motioned for his security team that were sitting in chairs all around the café to exit. They quickly moved following their Don's orders and loitered around the two SUV's that were parked in front of the café. It was then that Daniel took a seat in front of him. Daniel was a large and chubby man. He was shorter than his Don but still stood tall at six foot one. He was also wearing a black suit but it was crumpled like he had been in it all day. He readily sank into the booth and shook his head at the waiter. Indicating that he did not require being served.

"Don." Daniel acknowledged.

"I'm going to get straight to the point Daniel." Jonathon's eyes turned dark. "We have a mole among us. A fucking rat. I need you to help me find out who it is because I am going to slit their throat and make them wish their mom never opened her legs."

Daniel's eyes almost bulged out of their sockets. He then composed himself and put on a face of determination. "Don, I assure you I will find the traitor and dispose of them myself. You just focus on retrieving our stolen documents and fixing our alliances. Should I add extra protection to the shipments coming through this week?"

"Forget the shipments. Find the traitor and bring him to me."

Daniel could tell Jonathon had only one end goal. So he nodded his head and stood up.

"Yes Don." After an assuring shake of hands Daniel made his way out of the café and into his car, driving off like a man on a mission. Jonathan felt some pressure lift off his shoulders knowing that his underboss was actively trying to locate the rat. He took a deep breath and closed his eyes, relishing a moment of peace.

"You know he's lying to you right?"

His moment of peace shattered. His eyes snapped open as he looked for the source that dared make a comment. There was no one in the café except for a little girl sitting in a booth to his far right. She had dark midnight black hair and caramel skin. She was wearing a white hoodie, black leggings and tennis shoes. Her legs didn't even reach the floor from the seat she was sitting on. She couldn't have been older than eight and was rapidly typing away on her laptop, eyes not leaving the screen, even though she was fully aware of the Don's piercing gaze on the side of her head.

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