chapter eight.

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Third Person POV:

Lombardy, Italy

"Is there anything else you need sir?"

"No, that's all. Grazie."

The waiter nodded his head as he made his way back to the kitchen. The Di Genova brothers were sitting in a private section of one of their restaurants, celebrating the pending alliance of the Italian, English and American Mafias. There was a plethora of fancy food spread out in front of them, and the drinks were flowing. Even though the brothers were usually very calm and composed, there was an obvious air of excitement in the room. Getting the American and English Mafias to acknowledge you was a feat all in itself, but Alex had done one better. After months of preparation and planning, he had finally secured a meeting with the American and English Dons, something generations of Italian leaders before him could never accomplish.

"I can't believe you secured a deal with the Americans. When you told me that you were going to send them a proposal I was almost positive that they were going to turn you down." Max laughed, looking at Alex.

Alex glared at his little brother. "First of all, the deal isn't secured, you dimwit. We simply agreed on a date to meet and show each other our products. The alliance will only commence if they like what we offer. Second of all, thank you so much for the vote of confidence." He sarcastically replied.

"When are we leaving for the States?" Rocco asked, while cutting up a steak.

"We leave a week from now. We'll be there for a bit so make sure to pack a good amount of clothes." Gavino exclaimed.

"How's Ana doing Alex? Have you talked to her today at all?" Max questioned the whereabouts of his sister-in-law.

"She landed in New York about an hour ago. She's probably settling into the house right about now."

"That's good."

The brothers fell into a comfortable silence as they ate their food. Gavino noticed Alex glancing at Rocco from time to time. He knew exactly what Alex was thinking and he didn't like it one bit. He discreetly kicked his older brother under the table to catch his attention. Alex's eyes darkened as he turned to face his younger brother, Gavino looked at him and shook his head slowly. Alex simply narrowed his eyes before dropping his fork and taking a long sip from his wine.

"So Rocco." He began.

Gavino let out a breath of exasperation. Max stiffened knowing exactly what conversation was about to go down. Rocco just clenched his fork tighter in his hand but continued to eat.

"Where were you last night?" Alex questioned his youngest brother.

"It is none of your business." Rocco gruffly replied.

Alex's eyes shone with rage but his face remained stoic. "It becomes my business when my little brother has been coming home drunk every night for the past month." He calmly stated.

"Alex please." Max pleaded, trying to stop the impending argument that each one of them had heard so many times.

"No, his behaviour is unacceptable. He does this every year." Alex sharply replied.

Max and Gavino looked at Rocco wearily. Everyone knew exactly why Rocco periodically acted out at this time of year, but no one wanted to bring it up.

Rocco's eyes flashed with anger. "I'm twenty four fucking years old. I can do what I want, when I want to. You are not my father." He hissed.

Alex ran his hand down his face tiredly. "You're right, I am not your father, but I am your older brother." He gritted out. "If you want to keep living in my house then you'll stop this path of self destruction you are so adamant on pursuing." He threatened.

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