Special Announcement!!!!!

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Hi, everyone, so Olly has a very special announcement for you all. We've been planning this for a while now and he says he wants to announce it so everyone give a hand for your favorite character, Oliver!



Hi everybody!!!!

So first I want to say that I am so happy that you guys love me so much and to say thank you, I will be doing my own special chapter!!!! I'll have my own POV, so you'll get to know what I think about every single thing that has happened and no one can stop my thoughts no matter how crazy they get.

But there's a condition.

On the next five chapters we need to get up to 350 comments and 100 votes in all, that's about 70 comments and 20 votes each, did I do the math right? I'm just learn it. ☺️

I know those are big numbers, I was even surprised when the author told me but she makes the rules, unfortunately. But if you can get these many comments and votes I have a surprise for you all.

I can't tell you what it is, it's a surprise for a reason but it's gonna be awesome. Olly's honour!

Okay, so I hear Ally calling me for breakfast now, so I have to leave now. I liked talking to you guys, it was fun and don't forget to drop those votes and comments. A new chapter will be up in a few hours.

Comment here if you wante to do my chapter. Please actually comment. It doesn't take much time.

Bye byeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee.

Is that too many e's?

Don't think so.

Okay bye now 👋👋👋

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