Chapter 11

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Hattie’s POV

A month ago I found out my cubs babies whatever you want to call them, were going to be super shifters. I find this pretty cool. Everyone else? Not so much. After my ultrasound where I found out that the cubs are doing great we met with Otto. He did not know much about super shifters but he knew who might be able to help. I was surprised when he said Patsy and her Mom. They are reading nuts and her Mom especially loves history.

So Patsy and her Mom Patricia were given the task of getting all of the information they could on what we now know is called The Teleios Shifter. That is all they have found so far though. They are now calling everyone they can think of and following all leads to find out more but have found nothing else yet. It is like someone purposely made sure it was hard to find more information on them.

Marty and I have gotten closer every day it seems. My stomach hasn’t gotten in the way other than when he holds me because it is getting huge. We go out or just stay home at the pack house but we are almost always together. The only time we aren’t is when I am at work or he is helping Otto with the pack. That is his job. He helps Otto with everything from security to investments.

I have a guard now at work who is none other than Logan. He decided to stay for the babies and me. He said “You are my only family now. Mom, Dad, and Mason mean nothing to me. You these little ones are my family.” He has put in for a position here in Utica on the police force but it hasn’t gone through yet. So until then he is my extra guard at work.

I am finally going to get another ultrasound today. I am 15 weeks but being that this pregnancy is so much faster I am 22 weeks give or take compared to a human pregnancy. I had to get more maternity close to compensate for this big belly of mine. Patsy found a great shop with some great maternity clothes and a website with even more. So even though the mac truck that just drove by was close to my size I am still fashionable.

Logan and I come to the diner for lunch most days, me to visit Patsy him to drive her crazy. They fight like an old married couple but they both swear they aren’t interested in the other. I am waiting for the day they both exploded and pounce on each other.

So on a sunny day in the beginning of November I sat at a booth by the window with Logan eating like most days. I had just gotten paid and decided I was paying for lunch today. Usually Logan won’t let me pay but I am bound and determined today. So I went up to the counter to pay with Logan hot on my heals . “Patsy please don’t let him pay this time. I am your friend you barely tolerate Logan. Please!” I tried handing her the money but Logan put his hand out first and grabbed her arm. They both stopped. I looked at them but their eyes were locked on to each other. “What’s wrong you two?”

Patsy looked so shocked. Her eyes were wide as saucers and her mouth kept opening and closing. Then all she said was “Mate.” She jumped over the counter to wrap her arms around Logan and kiss him. He returned the kiss just as hungrily.

“How have you two never touched in the last month? Oh well.” I hopped up and down clapping. “Yes. You can be my sister now!” They weren’t stopping so I figured I would sit down to wait and give Marty a call to let him know. I pulled out the cell phone that I finally bought myself. Yes I gave Marty back the other one. When he answered all I said was “I know something you don’t know.”

“What is that?” He laughed at my antics.

“If I told you then you would know what I know. Where would be the fun in that?” I chuckled. “So I am going to make you guess seeing as I may be here a while.” I answered trying to get more comfortable on the stool I was on.

“So you are at the diner still?” Marty asked with a sigh. He knew I was going to make him work for the answer.


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