Chapter 7

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Hattie’s POV

“What?” I sat up with a jerk looking from side to side. I shook my head wondering what woke me up. I stayed sitting up listening as hard as I could to hear anything but heard nothing. I lay back down and snuggled under the covers again as it is still dark. I was getting close to falling asleep again when I heard a noise coming from the front door area. Looking in that direction I whispered frantically “Who the hell is that? Where is my baseball bat? Crap I left it in Illinois. Phone, must call police. Damn I don’t have a phone! Wait! Thank you Marty! Where is that damn cell phone?” I spot it on my dresser and grab it and run into the bathroom and lock the door.

With shaking hands I dial 911. “911 dispatch what is your emergency?”

“My name is Hattie Jensen and someone is breaking into my apartment above Frank and Sally’s Bakery.” I whispered back. Please don’t take forever like it does in the movies where the girl gets killed while waiting for the cops to come. If someone is going to break into an apartment, why mine? I have nothing to take and this place sure doesn’t look like I do either. Maybe they are hoping for another entrance into the bakery through here.

“Ok I know where you are I will send a car to your address they should be there soon. Please remain calm and stay on the phone with me. Are they in your apartment now?”

“No I don’t think so. I am in the bathroom with the door locked. I can hear noises from the front door though. Like someone is messing with the lock.” I really wish I had my bat I would beat some sense into the robber. What an idiot not staking out the place before breaking in. How can he not know someone lives here?

“The officer should be there in one minute. I am getting updates from him as he drives to your location.” Then I heard the front door finally give way.

“Crap! They sound like they made it inside. Tell them to hurry.” I whisper. I could hear footsteps coming inside and coming towards my bedroom. He was making so much noise like he didn’t care if he was heard.

“Remain calm and keep quiet including your breathing. Make no noise if you are able.” Even the dispatcher was whispering now. “The officer just pulled into the parking lot and will be approaching your apartment soon. Just stay calm.” If he comes in here I will have to think of something to fend him off until the cop gets in here. Great I will have to beat him with the toilet scrubber or my loofa. Wow scary!!

I was holding my breath not daring to breathe as I could hear the footsteps coming up to the bathroom door. The person put their hand on the door handle and tried to turn it but it was locked of course. I heard the cop near the front of my apartment. I must not have been the only one because I heard a male voice say from the other side of the door. “I will be back for the baby.”

My baby? What? He is here for the babies? I could just make out the operator saying “Hattie the officer is now there and he said the perpetrator got away. You can unlock the bathroom door. I will be disconnecting the call now.”

“Thank you for staying on the line with me.” Is all could get out. Before I unlocked the door I did not one thing I said I wouldn’t do. I called Marty on the cell he gave me.

It rang 3 times before he answered. “Hey.” He had definitely been asleep.

With my voice shaking I said “Marty can you come to the bakery? Someone broke in.”

“What?” He roared the word. I flinched because he was so loud.

“Please Marty?” I can’t get out the why. I am still in shock I think. Wait it can’t be shock if I am thinking it is shock. Yeah that has to be right. Of course that’s right. I am fine, perfectly fine.

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