Chapter 23

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Hattie’s POV

Even though Logan has been giving me shooting lessons, I still can’t hit the broad side of a barn. So after I got my eye to stay open on its own I went back outside and tried to get Marty back but I was not successful. At least they didn’t get me in the eye again. They did have an unfair advantage over Andi and me as we are as big as barns and all so we made easy targets. Eventually I gave up and let Andi use me as cover.

Tom on the other hand was so funny as he was running around “dodging “ all the bullets, no one really shot him though. Otto helped him at the end teaching him how to aim before he took his shot. Otto had him shooting at Patsy but he only hit her a few times and she played along running into those shots so he would have at least a few hits.

Logan was great playing the sniper, mostly shooting at Marty. It was pretty funny watching Logan peg him in the back of the head. Marty would get so mad, he ended up climbing a tree so he could get higher than Logan and get him, which he did but only once. Logan was so surprised he really thought none of them would be able to get him but he didn’t take their wolf reflexes into account.

“You have to teach me how to shoot like that Logan. Not to mention you’re using your wolf reflexes like you’ve had them all your life, I am really amazed by how well you use them already.” Marty said slapping Logan on the back.

“It was the training from the academy that helped me. My shooting got me into a special program that had some great classes including one about gun battles in wooded areas.” He smirked. “I could teach you some of the stuff I learned if you want.” He offered raising his eyebrows questioningly.

“That would be great. I will talk to Otto maybe you could teach some of our fighters so we can have a team trained for gun battles specifically.” Marty answered.

That one innocent Nerf fight is how once again I am sitting with Andi and Sally looking at the internet for baby stuff and houses, while Marty and the rest of the guys are off training. This time they are doing drills specifically geared towards the winter. They are using the snow that fell last night, as snow in December is normal here in New York I guess. I’m used to some snow but there is a good foot of snow outside from one night of snow and more falling now. Marty just laughed at my amazement and said, “Wait until January when we get a foot every week from Lake effect. Now that is a lot of snow.”

“How about this one, it is convertible to not just a toddler bed but also a double bed too.” Patsy asked.

“Does it come in a lighter color? You know I like a lighter wood finish.” I said bring myself back to the present and looking for the color options on the screen.

“Yes it does. Here are the choices.” She clicked on the icon and brought up the three different colors.

“That one.” I pointed to the lightest color. “Ok that is finally settled. Now where is the checklist? Thanks." Andi handed me the list that was tucked under a catalog. “Now bedding then we should be set for the basics.” I looked at my list that I got off of a website. Sarah helped us go over the list so we only got what we really needed. Being that I am paying for as much as I can on my own I am trying to be frugal. Marty said he would pay for it but I wanted to do it myself. The only thing he will pay for are the cribs and the stroller.

All of the shopping has been online, Marty won’t let me leave without at least two men with me but they are all training with Logan during the day which leaves evenings for shopping but by then I am too tired. Being a week before Christmas I haven’t been able to leave the house since November so I am going stir crazy being cooped up in the house all of the time. I am close to just walking outside but I hate being cold, not to mention walking in general isn’t the easiest thing as my stomach is getting out of control. My stomach is bigger than Andi’s and she is due next week.

“Why don’t we go help in the nursery, I’m sure Emma could use a break.” Emma is the woman who was being held with the children to take care of them.

We tried to tell her she didn’t need to take care of them any longer but she wouldn’t listen. She said “I have been taking care of them all since they were born. I am not abandoning them now.” It is working out great as the kids adore her. They call her Nana. Emma isn’t any of their mothers but after talking to her we have come to find out she is the great granddaughter of the last Teleios shifter. That is why she was being held captive, for her expertise.

She has told us all sorts of things we didn’t know and that she never told any of her captors. For instance Teleios shifters have never been evil, with their abilities they could do horrible things but no Teleios shifter ever has. Something in their abilities always brings out the good not the bad, in not just the Teleios but also those around them. That’s why we are always so happy after being around the children. She also let us know that they are having trouble getting the kids to do anything really bad.

They are trying to train the kids to all kinds of evil things just to start them off but no matter what they do they won’t do anything worse than kill bugs. They tried bribing them but when that didn’t work they have resorted to hurting the kids, which is why this has to end.

She also told us that their abilities will all be a little different. She mentioned that there have been Teleios that could speak to multiple minds at once. Tom can talk to a few minds at once but there was a Teleios shifter back in the 1600’s who could speak to people he had never met through the mind just by knowing their name.

She has been working with Tom to see if he can develop the ability more but they haven’t tried talking to anyone he hasn’t already met as of yet. That could definitely come in handy if we knew a name of one of the other Teleios shifters or if he could talk to one of the woman being held like Andi was. They were finally able to find where she was being held but it was empty. So they are back at square one in that regard.

As we walked into the nursery seeing Tom, Michelle, and Leola I couldn’t help but rub my stomach dreaming of what my kids will be like as they grow. “Hey Tom are you having fun today?” He turned to us with a smile. Getting up from his spot on the carpet where he was playing with some trucks.

“Yup I play trucks with Nana and Michelle. Leola watch.” He nodded his head like what he said was of the utmost importance.

“Trucks are pretty fun. Miss Michelle did your doll play trucks too?” I asked seeing her sitting quietly with her doll cradled in her arms. She nodded with a smile just barely touching her lips. Patsy sat down next to her and Michelle crawled into her lap. Patsy pulled her close and kissed her cheek.

Andi went to Leola in her bassinet cooing letting her grab her finger. Gasping she said, “Whoa how long has she been sending images to people?” turning to look at Emma.

“She just started.” Emma said getting up walking over to Leola and Andi. “Can I have a moment? I want to see if she will project anything to me.” Andi stepped back to give Emma room.

Emma let Leola grab her finger and started talking to Leola. “Do you have anything to tell me pretty girl?” She cooed smiling down to Leola. Emma’s eyes widened looking over to Andi to glance at her stomach. “Now? Really?” She said looking back to Leola. “Andi, will you send Sam a message to come back to the pack house? Leola just said you are going to have your baby soon.”

Now we all gasped. “Wow can she tell the future?” Patsy asked.

“No Andi’s baby decided to say Hi to her and let know she was coming out today.” Emma laughed.

“These cubs are just amazing.” I shook my head wondering what my cubs would be able to do. I walked over to Leola and brushed her wispy baby hair away from her face. “Got any idea when mine are coming?” I asked only half joking.

“Better have Marty come back too because your cubs are all going to have the same birthday.” Emma said the laughter leaving her face. We all knew why she was no longer smiling because it was too soon for my cubs.

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