Chapter 17

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Hattie’s POV

“Sally help I can’t reach the zipper!” I was trying to get my dress on but the zipper was just out of reach. Don’t get me started on stockings. I gave up on them because there was no way I was having someone help me and these cubs were totally in the way. Slip on shoes for me from here on out too. Do I still have those flip flops from the summer? Hhmmmmm.

“Oh Hattie you look perfect.” Sally said coming in to help me. She has helped me a lot the last few days, my stomach is getting bigger by the day and I have to rest often. I just get so tired sometimes, Franny says it’s normal but wow I take naps at eleven in the morning sometimes.

“Thank you Sally.” I looked in the mirror admiring the dress Patsy picked for me. I could have said no but as soon as I put it on I knew it was perfect. There was no pretending I wasn’t pregnant so it was plain white silky material of course with a satin sash at the empire waist. The material was heavy enough to drape perfectly down my body not adding any inches anywhere. If only I wasn’t pregnant…. I shook my head if I wasn’t pregnant I wouldn’t have met Marty in the first place.

She handed me the shoes Patsy bought but I handed them back. “Not gonna happen.” They had a small heal, no more than an inch but no. I know those flip flops are here somewhere. I went to the closet looking through the stuff on the bottom on my hands and knees. “Got’em!”

I tried to stand up but crap when was the last time I had gotten onto the ground? Well know I know not to do this again. “Sally! Can you help me up?”

She walked in shaking her head. “Why are you down there?”

“I wanted my flip flops.” I showed them to her.

“Well that is fine but let’s not get onto the ground again unless absolutely necessary until after the cubs are born.” She stood behind me with her arms under my armpits. We both tried as hard as we could but it was of no use. “Let me get Frank to help.”

Off she went with me on the floor. How am I going to make it another two months and get bigger? ‘You will be fine.’ Marty I guess I was talking to him without trying again. ‘I know I am just currently stuck on the floor waiting for Frank to come help me up.’ All I got from him was a few chuckles.

“Hattie they are about ready downstairs. Hattie where are you?” I heard Sam calling from doorway. I crawled out of the closet. “What are you doing down there?”

“Oh get over here I am stuck!” I scowled as he started to laugh.

“How can you be stuck just stand up?” He stood there with his arms crossed chuckling. He is so going down one of these days.

“I am pregnant with three cubs that are protruding from the front of me to the point I can’t get up. Not to mention they weigh a ton! Now HELP ME UP!” Ok I got a little over top at the end but I am pregnant so I get a pass.

“Fine!” He got behind me like Sally did and helped me up. The jerk even grunted like I was too heavy for him. For that he got a smack on the arm.

“Jerk. I am not that heavy and you are a shifter! That was like me picking up a tissue you jerk.” I swatted him again.

“You said jerk twice Hattie is that all you got?” Sam said standing with his legs spread just a little knees bent giving me a bring it on gesture with his both hands. He looked ridiculous.

“You know you look like an idiot right?” I gave him my most pitying look.

“Really I was going for confident and intimidating?” He said standing up straight and scratching his head.

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