Chapter 27

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Otto’s POV

Getting some information out of one of the few survivors wasn’t hard but Mason never said a word, even when he was finally conscious. No matter what method we used he never said a word. The others didn’t have enough information for us to use. Marty would have to come out here and get the information but I have one more thing I want to try before bothering him with this.

An urgent feeling that I need to go somewhere and do something is driving me nuts. It’s like something is pulling me towards it but I can’t see what it is or what I need to do.

Walking up to him where he was tied to a chair and getting eye level I tried to remember how I felt, what I did, when I made everyone shift in the woods. Putting all the strength I could behind my words I said, “Tell me everything I want to know now!”

Finally moving he shrank back, away from me squeezing his eyes shut. “There are cells everywhere, every country, all having the same problems. We can’t keep the women alive after they give birth and the cubs won’t do anything truly bad. They won’t harm others physically or mentally, they won’t use their powers for us at all. No matter what we do to them or others they won’t do anything we tell them to. They just take the pain or cry as we hurt others trying to get them to do what we tell them to.” He whispered looking like he was physically hurting.

“Where are the other cells?” Using the same new found force for this question, I started feeling tired. I guess this uses actual energy like some other abilities.

Wincing again and speaking in a strained voice he said, “I don’t know. They never told me locations just countries. I don’t even know who the true head of it all is.” Blinking he looked at me. “I have nothing else for you so stop. It feels like you are squeezing my head with a vice.”

Good thing to know. “Get me pen and paper.” I yelled at random knowing one of the men will get me what I need. “You will write down everything you know about who and where they are. Anything you can think of that will help me find and stop all of you do you understand?” With one short nod I knew I was going to get all the information I was going to get. At some point I will have Marty sift around in his head to get any information he may not know he has.

Walking up the stairs and out of the cabin I went straight to check on Patsy. She is like a little sister to me so seeing her hurt like that fueled a rage in me that I had never felt. I wanted to do so much more than just one hit but I knew if I did we wouldn’t get the information we needed.

Going straight to Logan and Patsy’s room I knocked hoping they hadn’t gone to sleep yet. Hearing a muffled come in I opened the door to see the two of them sitting on the couch with Patsy tucked under Logan’s arm. Her face was definitely going to scar there was no question with that kind of damage. “Hey Patsy I just wanted to come check on you.”

Getting up Patsy walked up to me and stopped right in front of me. Tipping her head back all the way to look me in the eye she said, “This isn’t your fault Otto, so don’t blame yourself. Mason did this not you.”

Wrapping her arms around me I knew she was right but that didn’t stop the guilt I felt. Wrapping my arms around her too, I just kept thinking I could have done something to stop him from doing this to her. She has scratches going from one side of her face to the other going right around her eyes thankfully. She will have these scars for the rest of her life because I wasn’t fast enough to stop him, because I didn’t have him restrained in the firsts place.

“It may not be all my fault but I am taking some blame. I was right next to him Patsy and I didn’t stop him. I’m so sorry Patsy.” I was whispering because I couldn’t get the words out over the lump in throat.

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