Chapter 7

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Louis literally cannot keep his eyes open. He's tripping over his own steps, and he can barely keep his eyes open. Nate's strong arms are supporting Louis, helping him stand and walk as they make their way towards Louis' front door. Louis' entire vision blurred over and it appears as everything is spinning. He's past the point of being drunk, he's completely and utterly obliterated. Nate has to physically place Louis on the doorstep, while he uses the keys to unlock the front door. To his surprise the door opens for him. His brown eyes widen as he meets a pair of wide and frustrated eyes.

"Who the fuck are you?"

"I'm Nate?" He raises an eyebrow

"Why are you trying to get into my boyfriend's house?"

Nate opens his mouth to speak, but decides showing her might explain better. He steps to the side, turns and points to the man who's eyes are almost rolling into the back of his head. He tenses up and slowly looks back to the woman, who is staring at her boyfriend with a look of horror.

"Did you let him do this to himself? What the fuck?!" She yells, storming past Nate and dropping to her knees next to Louis

Louis looks at Eleanor and lets out a long, loud groan. He tries to swat her away but he's too drunk to do it efficiently. She gently grabs his arm and tries to look him in the eyes.

"What the fuck are you doing in my house?" He mumbles, trying to stand up.

Nate walks over, offering to help him up and Eleanor just frowns and crosses her arms. Eleanor is hurling words of abuse at both Nate and Louis as Nate basically drags the boy into the lounge room and putting him on the couch. Louis looks at Eleanor through slit bloodshot eyes.

"I told you I was calling the psychologist! He's been waiting here with me for hours this afternoon! I've been trying to call and text! I thought you were dead," She shrieks, throwing her arms up in the air

Louis can't help but cackle; the corners of his eyes squinting. His laugh echoes around the room and Nate stands back. He's suddenly become aware of a second person. A man who is dressed in a neat button up and black pants. The man seems to be professional looking and is frowning. He seems to be slightly concerned for this situation. Louis' continues to laugh, wiping the tears that are forming in his eyes. He shakes his head, and uses all his strength to sit up. Nate has to bite the inside of his cheek to prevent himself from laughing because Louis looks so fucked up. His hair is wild, his skin flushed and eyes bloodshot red.

"He isn't supposed to be here! And neither are you," He says, staring at her. His eyes glazed and unfocused

"We came here because there is something going on. Dr Lawrence said that we needed to stage an immediate intervention,"

"Intervention for fucking what?"

"This," Her voice becomes louder and more frustrated, gesturing towards Louis.

"What? Getting drunk? This is the first time I've gotten this drunk in years. I'm a grown man and you do not control me,"

"He does have a fair point," Nate scratches the back of his head awkwardly as Eleanor spins towards him

"How the fuck would you know? I don't even know who you are!"

"He is my best friend Eleanor. The one you made me stop seeing. Remember?" Louis frowns

Eleanor's face falls, and she looks between Nate and Louis. She looks ropable. She turns to the man standing a few steps away from her, and motions for him to talk.

"Louis, I'm your psychologist, remember? Eleanor called me worrying about your actions. She said that your anger is getting bad again, and I can see you're starting to drink like you used to. We worked hard to fix you and I would hate to see it become undone."

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