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A/N: Please this chapter took me 3 days to write and it's not even that long 🤡 But it's definitely one of my favourites so far

I giggled as Azrael carried me in his arms, my legs wrapped tightly around his waist while his arm supported my bum. He insisted on doing so since I refused to go back to his room and put on the heels that made my feet all kinds of sore.

"Shh, try to be quiet baby."

I bit my lip to contain my giddiness and my eyes darted around boundlessly, eagerly soaking in our surroundings.

We were outside.

It was late in the day so it was dark, but I still admired the grey tint to the puffy cotton balls called clouds and the amber coated moonlight that provided a dim lighting to the earthy ground.

We were behind the castle, I noted. And seemed to be venturing off the stoned path towards an area that was overtaken by green vines and shrubbery. I moved my hand from Azrael's shoulder to gently touch the beautiful flora, a slight gasp escaping me as one of the vines wound it's spindly arm around my index finger.

"It's attracted to your energy." The daemon answered without me having to ask. My mouth remained agape as he removed the greenery from my finger and brought the digit to his lips, pressing a soft kiss to it.

"My energy?" I breathed in confusion, although my eyes were still locked onto my tiny finger that was being nibbled on by the taller man.

"Mhm" He hummed, "I thought faeries could read auras? Yours is pink," he chuckled at the irony, his eyes briefly flickering to my hair, "you're radiate warmth—the little thing most likely mistook you for the sun."

Unsure of what to say, I remained silent, only managing to stare at him in awe. Sure I was quite intuitive when it came to animals, plants and people, but I always attributed that to being an empath. What he was describing sounded like a gift, I couldn't pretend that I wasn't jealous.

"W-what? How can you see that?  And why can't I?"

He continued walking, amusement lifting his lips up in a slight smirk.

"I'm just fucking with you baby, I can't see shit." A small laugh made his chest rumble. "What I said about the vines is true though, I don't need to see colours to know that you're full of light."

I puffed my cheeks, a bit flustered at his statement, but still narrowed my eyes at his humoured expression. I  poked his dimpled cheek with an accusing finger.

"You lied mister, that's not very nice. And I don't know why your laughing either, you're not even funny."

He bounced me up so that I was higher up on his hip, allowing our faces to be level.

His eyes were bright as they looked at me, and the orbs were doing a great job at rivalling the beams of the moon. I found this particularly impressive considering that Avernus' night rock was not the pale fluorescent hue that I was used to—rather, it was golden. Amber rays  lit our surroundings but still, Azrael managed to outshine it all.

"Oh really." He smiled, his white, pearly teeth on display. "If I'm not funny then why are you laughing?"

I furrowed my brows in confusion, momentarily questioning if Azrael was alright. Obviously I wasn't laughing, why would he—

A surprised squeal passed my lips and broke the night's silence as my sides were suddenly attacked by the tickle monster. Laughter bubbled from the back of my throat as I squirmed, desperately trying to escape the daemon's hold and run—bare feet and all—all the way back to the castle.

Avernus || Book 1 ✔️Where stories live. Discover now