|| Harvest ||

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My self control is non existent omfg

"Rose sit down!"

"Just one second mama, I have to help Blythe mix the—"


I sucked in my lips at the sound of my full name spoken by Elder Amis.

Her small, fragile hand came to rest on the back of my shoulder as she led me back to my table.

"What is going on with you child? You're stressing out your poor mother. You should know better."

"I'm sorry, I only wanted to help. The gathering is going to start any minute now, and there's still so much left to do—"

"But that's not something for you to worry about little girl. Your mother was so kind to get you dressed and fed this morning, and even let you deliver the berries you picked last evening. Now, your only responsibility is to sit at the table and keep yourself clean while we feast. Does that sound reasonable to you?"

I bite my tongue to stop myself from grumbling at her words. Dressed and fed? I was no child!

Hopefully my hair was hiding the unforgiving heat that was filling my cheeks. I loved Elder Amis, she was like a second mother to me. Usually she was more lenient than mama when it came to things but alas, she always found a way to baby me.

We arrived at my seat and I sat down reluctantly, trying not to sulk. I played with the end of my dress to busy my fingers but I froze when a whisper suddenly sounded in my ear.

"The excitement you crave is coming soon, my dear. Patience."

I furrow my brows and turn to ask Elder Amis to explain what she meant, but she was already walking in the other direction, her movements slow but graceful.

I turn back in my seat and let out a frustrated "humph".

I wasn't the best at riddle games or puzzles and she knew this. I could be a bit slow at picking up non-direct cues at times, some would even say I'm oblivious.

"The sun has finally lowered from her high place in the sky. May everyone take their seats and give a moment of respect to the Gods for allowing us to wake this morning."

Elder Pike's full, aged voice filled the main fields, his presence strong, power-filled yet wise. The aura of a true leader. He was one of the 5 elders within my community, the oldest one in fact. He and I are pretty close I think, I hope he doesn't mind that I tell people we're best friends.

He's been to every one of my birthdays and visits ma' and I often. Sometimes he even brings gifts: I have a few wooden cravings of my favourite animals from him that are placed delicately in my bedroom.

I looked around as everyone hurried off to their designated tables, soft murmurs and hushes sounding as we waited for complete silence.

"gratias sol, gratias luna"

I whispered under my breath, saying a quick thank you to the sun and moon for watching over my people and keeping us company from above.

"Now brothers and sisters, join hands as the food is placed on the tables in front of you..."

I held the hands to my right and left absentmindedly, as my eyes were zeroed in on the delicious pies, salads, and oh-so-yummy fruit cake that was being served. No meat of course, we were beings of nature, it would be abhorrent to harm the lives we were dedicated to protecting.

Avernus || Book 1 ✔️Where stories live. Discover now