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"Once we're inside, it's important not to draw any attention to ourselves. We have a very short window to pull this off after we enter the palace. Lyonel, your team knows the plan?"

My eyes flashed over to the lead of our infiltration team, as I waited impatiently for him to confirm what we'd gone over what seemed like over a hundred times at this point.

It was just the three of us in the room—him, my father and I. In all his paranoia, the King was adamant about keeping the details of the situation limited to only a trusted few. It was almost obsessive, the efforts he went through to ensure that the utmost level of secrecy was upheld. But I didn't care. As long as the focus remained on retrieving my mate, I couldn't give two shits if he wanted them dressed in black cloaks or speaking in code.

"Yes, My King. My team is fully informed and ready at your go-ahead—"

"And the details regarding the...asset have been kept confidential?"

I rolled my eyes at his question and pushed myself away from the wall that I was leaning against.

"You already know the answer to that question because he's told you three times already. Now, it's past mid-day, and we've been sat in this room talking about the plan instead of fucking doing it."

I ignored Lyonel's uneasy expression at my outburst, which was most likely disapproval from disrespecting his King. Instead, I watched the so-called ruler, waiting for him to say the words that would put this entire thing in motion.

"Okay, fine." My father looked at me unsurely, before shaking his head with a sigh.

"Lyonel, tell your team it's time to go."

The red-haired man nodded and bowed in respect, before swiftly exiting the room. I made the move to follow but my arm was grabbed to make me pause.

"I know it will be hard, but you must not contact Primrose until after we have entered Cyprus' territory. She needs to behave as normal; we can't have him realizing our plan—we would lose our advantage."

He watched me expectantly, waiting for me to argue or refute his statement, and I was tempted to. But I knew that he was right. I wouldn't risk my mate's safety to satisfy my selfish need to hear her voice, I knew that I needed control.

"I know. I won't."


Primrose POV

I stood by the window with my arms wrapped around my middle as I watched the wind blow through the trees. I frowned, wishing that I was out there with them, feeling the breeze on my face, my skin, and my hair. I missed the fresh air, the warmth of the sun when she kissed my cheeks ever so slightly—I missed my freedom.

I sniffled, trying not to tear up once again as I caught my mind wandering down this dark path, I hated that this feeling was becoming familiar.

To make matters worse, I didn't even have my mate to comfort me. I couldn't reach him for some reason, it was almost as if I was being shut out like he was blocking me?

But why would he do that? Did I do something wrong? Is he upset with me? I know that my actions were careless, and it is ultimately my fault that I'm in this situation, but I can't have him upset with me. I can't be alone.

A knock on the door startled me out of my thoughts, and I jumped before quickly dabbing at my eyes which had become watery.

"C-Come in."

The door squeaked open and revealed the same girl from the night before who had brought my attire for dinner. Although this time, her hands were filled with a tray of food in addition to a simple pretty frock. My stomach grumbled as I was faced with many of my home's breakfast foods, my fingers twitching as I itched to run over and sink my teeth into all the beautifully ripened fruits.

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