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My limbs felt heavy—almost too heavy to move as I shifted beneath the bedsheets

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My limbs felt heavy—almost too heavy to move as I shifted beneath the bedsheets.

I groaned, clutching my head as it pounded violently; the pain was almost crippling and brought tears to my eyes as each movement spurred a more intense throbbing.

"Azy?" I called out in a whimper.

When I received no response, I cracked my eyes open in a squint and breathed a sigh of relief when I was met with darkness, knowing that bright light would've worsened my headache.

Although the relief was short-lived when my eyes flickered over the dark silhouette of the room, and nothing struck me with familiarity.

"Azy?" I called again as I tried to sit up in the bed. My heart raced within the confines of my chest as I glanced around anxiously, having no perception of where I was.

I rotated my body to hang my legs off the bed as I prepared myself to stand up. However, I was struck with alarm when I realized that I was dressed in what appeared to be a crème-coloured nightgown and not the dress that I had put on this morning.

Confusion was laden on my mind as my bare feet touched what I identified as marble floors.

Where am I? And where is Azrael?

"Azrael?!" I tried for the third time; this time I was a bit more panicked.

I shuffled around in the dark for a moment, trying to figure out where I was. The room appeared bare; from what I could make out there was a bed with an adjacent bedside table, and at the other end a brick-covered wall that caved in to form a fireplace.

I looked around some more before gravitating towards the long fabric that hung from the high ceiling. Carefully, I pulled the curtains to the side, but I was startled when my vision was met with bright sunlight and a bar-covered window.

"Oh my god." I whispered in fear as the memories started to flood through my brain's foggy dam.




"Oh my god." My hand rose to cover my mouth as I withheld a sob.

I had been kidnapped.

Tears pricked my eyes and rolled down my cheeks as I stepped back from the window in horror.

My hand moved from my mouth to clutch my chest as my breathing became shallow and my lungs grew tight as they struggled to fill with air in my panic.

"Azrael" My mind pleaded as I reached out through our bond. But my brows furrowed as I was met with some kind of barrier that blocked communication between us.

"Azy please." I whimpered to my mate. Although my pleading was done in vain as I knew that he couldn't hear me. I could still feel his presence, but it was murky—like trying to decipher a smeared oil painting.

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