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Holyyyy smut! Probably one of the dirtiest ones I've written — enjoy ;) 


I moaned as I cuddled further into a warm chest, and I was rewarded with a soft purr as my cheek rubbed against heated skin.

Slowly, I became separated from sleep's warm embrace, and I found myself desperately resisting the pull, wanting to be swaddled in its safety for just a little bit longer. Without its shelter, the memories of the previous night were able to creep up and sink their claws deep into my skin, wounding me with flashes of blood and the four walls of the room that once held me captive.

Shakily, my hands rose to grip my mate's biceps in a weak but much-needed attempt to ground myself. If I had any tears left, they would fall, but I didn't want to be selfish and disturb Azrael with any more of my crying.

Deciding to take a few deep breaths, I blinked away the stinging sensation in my eyes and laid still for a bit longer to try and overcome this dreadful feeling. Although, when it didn't pass, I huffed in frustration and decided to place my focus elsewhere and ended up distracting myself with the contents of the room.

For a short moment I didn't recognize where I was, but I was quickly comforted by the familiar dark décor and furniture, which oddly enough appeared to be brand new.

After growing bored of that, I shifted a bit from my position on my mate's chest to look down at him, but my heart sank when I scanned his face.

Besides some of the superficial wounds that had already begun to heal, it was evident that he hadn't been sleeping well. Although what settled me some, was that he looked much better than the day before. Back then, it seemed like his mind was being tormented, or that he was in a deep, dark sunken place—I feared that it was a place so far gone that even I wouldn't be able to pull him out.

And the violence he displayed...

I knew he was more primitive in his ways but seeing him kill Cyprus...the swiftness in which he ended the daemon's life—the effortlessness of his actions...I couldn't pretend that unsettlement didn't perch atop my spine and trickle down like a cool bead of sweat after waking from a scary dream.

Softly, I traced the healing cuts on his face before my touch drifted downwards to caress the intricate mark on his neck. I would never get over its design; each line was crafted so beautifully and meticulously it was easy to see the parallels between it and our bond.

His purrs deepened at my actions and only encouraged me to continue my ministrations. Although I was suddenly flipped to lay underneath him so that he could nuzzle his head into the side of my neck.

I shuddered as his hands pushed under the shirt I was wearing, a shirt which I only just realized was his.

His touch was faint and gentle, his fingers barely skimming my skin as if he was scared that I would break under the slightest of tension; I frowned at this but chose to ignore it.

"This is real." I heard him murmur under his breath as he lightly gripped my hips.

I threaded my fingers through his hair and nodded in agreement.

"This is real."

He looked up at me after I spoke, and I felt the pang of distress in the bond as he saw the tears in my eyes that I had tried so hard to swallow.

Avernus || Book 1 ✔️Where stories live. Discover now