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december 15th, 2023
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It had been officially five whole months since she had last seen her boyfriend, Joshua for their three year anniversary and it had been eight months since she had left for tour and now that he was less then twenty feet away, she was this close to running off the stage.

But she had to finish the show.

The spotlight on her was scorching and Ayoluwa silently thanked God that the only person who knew she was sweating like this was the band behind her.

Ayoluwa was up right now.

She was on the last show of her first headlining stadium tour, her second album was on the way and her new modeling career taking off as well.

Meanwhile, her boyfriend, Joshua had bloomed as well, going drafted in the first round and averaging forty points a game while he was playing for the Dallas Mavericks before going to his current team, the Brooklyn Nets.

"Thank you! Good night!" Ayoluwa yelled into her microphone as the crowd cheered back in response.

As soon as Ayoluwa walked offstage, the sound of applause filled the air as she looked around at her friends.

Shareef, Dior and Nicholas were standing near each other, all with proud smiles.

"You were really good out there." Dior complimented her then threw a blue rag at her, "But your sweaty. Fix that."

Ayoluwa scowled at him, "Hi, nice to see you too."

Shareef elbowed him, "You never know the right thing to say, huh?"

Nicholas shook his head, "Nah but sit down for real. You look like you're about to pass out."

She nodded then sat down on a wooden table due to her management team taking over the black leather couches.

Ayoluwa looked eagerly towards the red velvet curtain near the entrance on the other side of the room but the fabric stayed still, no movement behind them.

"Um... This whole reunion thing is cool but where's Josh?" Ayoluwa leaned forward, her palms on the edge of the wooden table.

"Um, he might be in traffic." Dior responded.

"Lemme text him," Shareef said.

Ayoluwa panted a little, "Amy!" She then yelled to call out for her assistant.

A blonde woman who looked to be in her late twenties scurried over.

"Can I have my phone?" Ayoluwa asked.

The woman smiled then pulled the device out from her back pocket and Ayoluwa smiled back, "Thank you."

One of Amy's phones began to ring and the woman walked off to take the call.

"That's still wild to me how you have an assistant and shit." Shareef shook his head.

"Yeah, Amy's cool." Ayoluwa said as she went to her contact list, tapped Joshua's name and then put her phone to her ear.

Joshua's deep voice sounded on the other line, "Hello?"

"Yeah, I just finished the last show. Where are you?" Ayoluwa asked.

"I... I found a game room." Joshua's tone was sheepish, "It's down the hall."

Ayoluwa shook her head, leaping down from the table. "Of course you did. I'll find you, stay there."

"Where is he?" Dior raised an eyebrow.

Ayoluwa ignored him as she stopped in front of Amy and her manager Gloria who were sitting on the couch together, deep in a conversation which only stopped when Ayoluwa stood in front of them.

"Amy, will you call a cab while I go get Joshua?"

The woman nodded and Gloria flipped her wavy black hair, "No late nights tonight, okay? You have promo tomorrow."


Leaving the room and strolling down the hall, she checked each room before stopping at the doorway of a bright blue room.

Inside were three pinball machines at the rear and standing in front of a PlayStation and a tv was her boyfriend.

Dressed in Vlone and joggers, Joshua was focused on the Super Mario Bros. game that he was playing.

Leaning against the door, Ayoluwa coughed a little before speaking, "You know usually when someone doesn't see their girlfriend for months on end, a video game isn't the first thing on their mind."

Joshua turned to smile at her and immediately the butterflies that rested in Ayoluwa's stomach came to life.

Joshua wordlessly motioned for her to come closer then wrapped one arm around her waist before gently pecking her lips.

It wasn't exactly what she wanted but she would take it.

Joshua continued to play the video game, the clack of the buttons and the hyper music the only sounds in the room.

Joshua presses Ayoluwa a little closer to his body in an effort to get a better grip on the black controller with his left hand.

"You know Amy called a cab. We should go." Ayoluwa prodded after reading the text from her assistant.

"Can't we stay a little longer? I'm almost finished." Joshua replied.

Ayoluwa pulled away from him, scrunching her eyebrows a little, "I'm exhausted. I haven't even seen our apartment here yet."

Joshua hid his eye roll poorly but put down the controller before walking out of the room in front of her.

A shift was occurring and Ayoluwa could already feel the cold front of it approaching their relationship.

Maybe she was overreacting and he had to get reused to having her around.

Ayoluwa just hoped that they were strong enough to withstand the storm, especially if it planned on heading straight for them.

hope y'all ready for this sequel, I plan on breaking y'all's hearts🙂
vote & comment, porfa!

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