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march 11th, 2024
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But he was for some reason.

Joshua was waiting for Ayoluwa in front of a Target located in Harlem, a mixed bouquet of red roses and white gardenias in his hand.

He looked from side to side as he looked for her, finally noting her strolling in from across the street in a olive green bodycon dress that stopped a few inches away from her ankles.

"Hey," Ayoluwa greeted him, "What is that?"

"They're flowers," Joshua offered it to her, extending his arm forward.

"What's the occasion?" Ayoluwa mused.

"Just because." Joshua shrugged.

"Wow... Thank you. I.. I don't know what to say." Ayoluwa took the flowers from him and smiled causing Joshua's heart to beat just a little bit faster.

The two began to walk through the large Target side by side, in order to start shopping for items that their baby might need.

Rufus, Ayoluwa's bodyguard, was trailing them by several feet so that fans couldn't walk up to them or take pictures of Ayoluwa and Joshua together.

"I know my grandma is giving us a stroller for the baby shower but we still need diapers, playpen, baby bottles..." Ayoluwa sniffed the flowers then said as the duo listed things they would need for their child.

"A rocking chair, a changing station, cribs..." Joshua continued.

"Cribs, plural?" She questioned.

Joshua was pushing the cart as Ayoluwa waddled the tiniest bit, her baby bump now fully realized, "Yeah. We need to get two."

Ayoluwa furrowed her brows, "Why would we need two cribs?"

"So that the baby could stay the night with me sometimes." Joshua replied as two turned the corner past the produce aisle.

"How and why would the baby stay the night with you? What if I need to nurse in the middle of the night? I gotta come all the way to Manhattan?" Ayoluwa turned around to face Joshua as they reached the aisles containing baby clothes, "No, no, better that the baby lives with me full time."

Joshua looked down at her face, scrunched up a little with her argument, and smiled, not wanting to argue or agitate her, "Never mind, Palmer."

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