(I) Chapter 30: House Call

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The following evening found Frankie genuinely surprised when Leinhart hadn't shown at Carmen's, as had been his usual habit. It was already four hours past sunset and the anxiety had long-since settled in. Every time the front door to the tavern opened, her eyes immediately flew up in search of him and every time she realized that it wasn't he, she'd silently rebuke herself for caring in the first place.

At midnight, she finally cracked.

The recent gossip had told her that her brother had been kicked out of Lily's place the day before. While she knew Rémy was staying with someone, she had no idea with who or for how long. But since Rémy and Leinhart were friends, she assumed somehow tying the two topics together without being overly conspicuous would be a fairly simple task.

It had only been a handful of hours since she had last seen Vlad – having effectively turned the tables on him, after which he had wisely retreated. Now, it would seem, her victory was to be short-lived, as here she was, watching the front door like some kind of crazed stalker, privately anticipating his arrival.

"Frankie, where are you going?"

The woman turned around, not having realized that she was already making her way from the kitchen to the main area of the tavern. Vesper was seated in her usual spot next to the counter, a thick textbook entitled Vampire Anatomy: What to Expect During Your Transition, sprawled open in front of her, a peculiar expression on her face.

"I need to ask Rémy a question. I'll be right back. Keep reading," she encouraged as casually as she could.

"Is it about Lily kicking him out?" the girl questioned.

"No, it's more about where he's staying."

"You're not going to invite him to come back home, are you?"

"Of course I'm not," Frankie exclaimed from the doorway. "Why would I invite him back if I was the one that kicked him out in the first place?"

"Well, because he's your brother, and there's probably a small piece of that otherwise indifferent heart of yours that misses having him around."

The girl's voice was absolute deadpan.

Frankie narrowed her eyes a little.

"You've been talking to Leinhart again, haven't you?"

"Why would I talk to him when you specifically told me not to?" the teenager asked sweetly. She even batted her eyelashes for good measure.

It had no effect on the woman, who instead put her hands on her hips.

"Because you're a teenager and rebellion is hardwired into your DNA," Frankie replied before exiting from the room.

The instant she was gone, Vesper quietly closed the book in front of her while muttering to herself, "Damn right it is," and then she was on top of the counter, carefully pulling back the thick curtain that hung over the window space, just enough so she could take a peek.

Frankie had made her way over to her brother's usual table in the far corner of the bar where he and his close friends were playing another round of cards. Leinhart's designated seat on Rémy's left remained vacant and the teenager – still spying – found it amusing how Frankie just seemed to glide right into position.

"Evenin' Frank," Rémy sighed as his sister sat beside him.

"Rémy," and she nodded her head in response, fixating her attentions wholly on her brother.

"I'll take it you've heard," Rémy began, placing his bet before looking over at her. "Since I know that nothing else would have you coming over here, and sitting in Vlad's chair, no less. You still declaring war on him?"

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